Why did this happen?

Hi there,

I just want to know what this means please. Any idea? Get a crash in vr when I’m panning outside view. PC

Many thanks,

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Why did this happen?

If we knew the answer to that, Everyone would be a lot happier… NO EASY ANSWER that fits all

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Exception code: 0xc0000005 is a tricky one.
To put it as simply as possible, the program tried to access a resource, but that resource was not available.

Unfortunately, this one can be tricky to troubleshoot. Multiple things can cause it, corrupt files, corrupt disk segments, corrupt data in RAM, failing RAM or HD, AV software, etc.

This is not all-inclusive but does a decent job covering the more common causes and fixes for that Exception code.

[Solved] - How to Fix Error Code 0xc0000005 in Windows | Stellar.

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There is a similar new topic, with the same Exception Code and a solution that might help:

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