Hello there,
Can somebody explain me why my game is taking 340Gb on my disk?
When I played it some month ago it didn’t takes so much, so what’s changed?
Hello there,
Can somebody explain me why my game is taking 340Gb on my disk?
When I played it some month ago it didn’t takes so much, so what’s changed?
Community folder?
With community
Without community
Nope, that’s a fresh install, everything’s new, nothing else has been download, that’s the first start
The sim actully uses 157GB (which is totally normal) in your case, but it occupies 327GB on disk. This discrepancy is in fact not normal at all, but it is not the fault of the sim.
What file system are you using on that disk and what are the parameters it is formated with? It seems that you are using a very big minimum filesize and thus wasting space there.
File system is NTFS, but I can’t find what are the parameters it using for filesize… All I know is that partition type is GPT
Could it be because of an allocation unit size too small?
Ok than it is even stranger, I assume you didn’t change anything on the NTFS paramters during format? Can you check the disk in the windows disk manager, there you should be able to see what block sizes etc. are configured.
Can you also check if you have such size discrepancies on other disks with other folders?
Since MSFS consits of huge amount of files, a missconfiguration of block size can have that huge size impact on disk.
And am I right if I assume that you had the sim installed on a different disk previously?
Like you said, I didn’t change anything on the NTFS params during format (normally it’s 4096, am I right?)
Using commands, here the info about my disk :
and… it seems that something was changed when I formated my disk, as we can see that LogicalBytesPerSector is not 4096, so that can be the cause of my problem
I never had this kind of problems with an other disk.
Yes and no, first time I installed it on my C:, but when I bought my NVMe, I reinstalled it without any problems.
If the LogicalBytesPerSector is the problem, do I have to format my disk?
ok I think I see your problem. You have a cluster size of 2MB, usually this shpould be 4kB for NTFS (for disks smaller than 16TB).
This means that each file at minimum requires 2MB of disk space even it is smaller in reality. For example, a 10 kB file would eat up 2MB on disk, and a file with 2,10MB byte would eat up 4MB of real disk space. Since MSFS consits of a lot of files (and small ones for that matter) this can add a huge amount of unneccessary occupied disk space.
for reference: Default cluster size for NTFS, FAT, and exFAT - Microsoft Support
By any chance: what make and model is the SSD you have installed MSFS on?
I think there’s a conversation to be had about reducing the size of the updates, because tens of GBs worth of data per update is starting to grow a bit excessive. Sure we want good updates and content, but I don’t think it should be accepted that’s the way forward.
Despite this has nothing to do with the OPs problem, the latest updates (not counting content updates) had very reasonable sizes - always way below 10GB. If I am not mistaken, SU12 beta was <2GB.
And for the overall sim size: storage is cheap these days, I rather have good quality content updates, than disk space savings
I think what is OK for someone, isn’t OK for everyone else. I think you need to keep an open-mind to these things. I understand storage is cheap, but maybe (other than you). Not everyone appreciates how big these updates get.
I understand your position and it does Indeed relate to the OP, when we look at things rounded - update size would be part of that, by their very nature.
Sorry, we are talking about a flight sim here, these things are inherently big (due to several reasons), and we can already be lucky to have online data streaming in background for the environment. XP users are laughing at us when we are discussing if a 250GB sim install is big or not …
OP has a problem with the file system! His sim size is 157GB, but it allocates over 300GB on the disk, which should not be. It should also allocated 157GB. So no, install sizes are completly irrrelvant in this special case.
Ok, let us not derail the topic further, I think we can ultimatly help the OP with his problem, let us concentrate on that …
I would be strongly against that, because it’s so easy to move your Packages folder to a fast and large external disk.
Yeah, that’s what I was thinking, I will reformat my drive with 4kB in that case!
I also checked that site and found that something wasn’t normal with my disk, which lead to the same conclusion.
My SSD is an SanDisk - 1TB Extreme PRO M.2 NVMe 3D.
I’ll try tomorrow to reformat my disk and will let you know! Thanks again!
Did you change anything when you formated it in the first palce - I am wondering why the settings are so of in realtion to the defaults.
But anyway, yes reformatting with the actual settings should resolve the issue.
Ok the disk it self is fine - I feared you had some obscure no name brand SSD in use
Not a single thing, so even myself I don’t understand what happened but let’s go for a good old format! (Just pray for my other games on my disk who worked normally, so long partners XD)
Yeah, I wasn’t scared about the disk himself x’D
I see, I keep my fingers crossed for you that it finally works as intended .
asobo should take the same approach as the xplane team, where the world map is separated by free
continent dlcs, and have the choice to download the ones you wan’t. it’s insane have to download parts of the world that i don’t even fly