I’m on the EGGW STAR from LOWI and the navigraph chart looks way different to the flight plan in the airbus. I imported from SimBrief in both navigraph and the sim. See screenshots. Any ideas why?

I’m on the EGGW STAR from LOWI and the navigraph chart looks way different to the flight plan in the airbus. I imported from SimBrief in both navigraph and the sim. See screenshots. Any ideas why?
Do you have updated navigation data for Fenix320…?
I expect maybe 3-rd party airport also
And what you have inside Simbrief ARR procedure defined in FPL? Fix by fix namely? Here I expect also difference.
In the Fenix flight plan arrival page, there’s a VIA option in the top left. Looks like you left it blank. If you put ZAG1T in there, it should look the Navigraph chart.
the charts show you in green the STAR and in orange the transition to the final approach I25. On your ND I see only the STAR and after the STAR directly the final approach I25. That means for me, you have forgotten to set the approach transition ZAGZO1T in the FMS:
Here, when you have set all correctly in the Fenix A320 FMS:
You see, it´s identical to the charts now …
Best answer also,
it can be clear after he will post his fix by fix as I asked but with longer time answer
Yeah thnx Richard for your clear example.