Why don’t the airplanes show up as the correct model when in multiplayer?

why don’t the airplanes show up as the correct model when in multiplayer? it will say some random person is in a F-18 yet it’ll be another plane…not the f-18. and before all tbe PC players say to seedy the option to turn off generic in multiplayer there isn’t that option on xbox. it’s really annoying to constantly see the same plane model over and over and annoying when you see a a320 that is supposed to be a f-18 doing rolls and high speed maneuvers.

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yeah, I just recently started multi-player on xbox and noticed the same thing and searched the forums as it’s been discussed quite a bit, but the basic problem I think is that unless you are flying as an FA18 the sim hasn’t loaded that model and can’t display it. I don’t normally fly the FA18 but as soon as I flew as an FA18 out of someplace crazy like LAX the other FA18s (there are always a lot of them!) showed up correctly.

I’ve been meaning to experiment with other aircraft to see if that’s true for any 3rd party aircraft. At least I’ve seen stock airliners displayed correctly (e.g. 747 vs a320), and simple stock GA planes like C172 seem ok too.

I got the impression reading posts that this is handled better on PC, but not sure if that’s true as I can’t verify.

yeah it’s fine on PC but xbox it’s a huge problem

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Hi there,
The SDK category is for people who design aicraft, scenery, and other things.
I am moving your post to General Discussion.

A question about this was answered in the last Developer Q&A. The answer that came back was that it’s something they know they need to work on.

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