Indeed. I use it for games that aren’t shooters. Those are all mouse and keyboard for me
Otherwise it’s attached to my yoke via adhesive Velcro.
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Yes I understand all that, but from a PC flight simmer’s perspective the way that the Xbox version has been rolled out, arguably to the detriment of PC simmers, looks bad, especially since the PC platform is what MSFS is based on and the PC community have been de facto beta testers for the last year. IMHO MSFS on Xbox would not exist without being launched on PC first. Just very bad optics, poor choice of words, and a bad taste in the mouth.
What are you running to do this?
Can a joystick be used with an xbox? I’ve never owned an xbox… that is a serious question.
I think this is about the 100th topic on this subject. Please go to one of the other topics and continue there.