Why have PC users been pushed into the background in favour of Xbox?

Why have PC users, who have been the source of income for MSFS 2020 for the last year, been pushed into the background in favour of Xbox.
Why as a PC user is the default user interface for MSFS setup for Xbox?
Why is PC mode called “Legacy” as if it is something obsolete?

Legacy adjective:
Definition of legacy (Merriam Webster)
1: of, relating to, or being a previous or outdated computer system
transfer the legacy data
a legacy system


Technically it’s correct though. the PC way is the old way, so anything that is introduced and behaves prior to the current version is technically previous version, so therefore legacy.

That being said, I think it’s just depending on perspective. Xbox release is the new thing right now. While PC has been the source of income for the last year, it’s unlikely to gain more source of income from PC users anymore. For people who only owns Xbox, is a new market for the business to sell to. So MSFS needs to be redesigned to cater for the Xbox only users.

For PC users who owns Xbox as well, there’s the option to move into them. And there are not a small number of people who has a medium-range PC, but owns an Xbox Series X which tend to be similar in price and wants to just move to the Xbox “just works” philosophy and doesn’t want the hassle of setting things up in the PC side of things.

It is something new, so they had to make it appeal more towards the Xbox market at this stage, so that they can have more source of income coming from new players. Note that people who already bought the PC version, no longer need to purchase anything. So the PC market is stagnating. They need more new users, so it needs to appeal to new Xbox users.

I’m guessing this is only temporary, as the Xbox sales stabilises and more updates coming, we just give feedbacks about this to make them more in-line with each other. Call it PC and Xbox modes similar to how PC and VR mode is separated. And as future updates comes in, I’m sure we’ll have a better naming convention.

There’s really no need to get upset about this. It’s just naming convention that’s all.

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This in no way simulates flying a real aircraft.


This does…


Commercial flight simulators/trainers do even better.
Doesn’t mean your setup is trash. Same way your setup doesn’t mean console is trash.


This is actually better to simulate flying an aircraft…


At a very high cost that nobody but corporates can afford.

And the commercial ones have worse graphics :wink:


For some, the console is the cheapest they can get. A setup like yours is what only a few can get. Many can’t even get a decent gaming PC for $2k


Again, it’s all about perspective. Different people uses simulator differently. While your setup is impressive. For me it’s useless, because I don’t fly GA in simulator, I don’t find them to be enjoyable. I only fly Airbus jets because they’re more enjoyable for me. So for me, a Thrustmaster TCA Officer Pack set, is enough. And because of my single bedroom apartment, I don’t have a space for a desk with monitor setup, I had to use my living room with TV to do my flight simming. It’s not perfect, but it’s the best that I can do.

Similar to other people, they use MSFS for many different reasons, some are okay with just Xbox controller. If they want a bit more control, there are other Joystick that they can use too like the Thrustmaster HOTAS ONE. It’s still fine enough.


No need to go as far as I did.
A basic Hotas setup is actually enough, can be had for reasonably low cost, and is far superior to a gamer console for realism.
The laptop running my rig is a 3 year old mid-low level system with only a GTX 1060 GPU.
I also fly airliners, not just GA.

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And I can fly anything. In this case, it’s the CJ4. But I can load up or create panels for anything.


Playing devil’s advocate here for a second.

I doubt that PC users are being deliberately left behind, at least not in the way your post implies. I suspect the real situation is something like this…

Microsoft announces the release date for Xbox and set’s it in stone. Asobo tries to get it ready in time, but can’t get it there. They may have even said so to Microsoft, but with the date set, the only option is to release it as is and put out the fires later.

This is what happens when bean counters get to make decisions and do so purely in the interest of profit.

It really depends on what you mean by UI. If you’re talking about the menus? They probably decided that there isn’t much point in building and maintaining two menus when an Xbox friendly menu system works for PC. Though I would argue, a context menu and windows form style menu across the top would be really useful for PC users, and should be added as a QoL feature.

On the other hand - if you are talking about the new interaction system and tool-tips. They’re definitely good for beginners, but I can definitely see why older users might not need nor want them.

When adding those features they should have made it opt-in for existing users, and opt-out for new users. I don’t know if they considered that, or if it never occurred to them. Who knows, maybe it was one of those tasks that they simply didn’t have time to finish.

Most likely bad translation(s). The same reason why buttons in the menu that should have said something like “Save”, “Save Changes”, “Accept” or “Ok” actually said, “Validate”.


The gaming industry said that in the 80’s, 90’s, 00’s, and the 10’s too…lol

PC aren’t going anywhere. Neither are gaming consoles. But I agree with the rest of your post. It’s all about money.


Well that’s interesting. My curiosity was piqued enough to want to know how you managed to integrate your hardware with the Xbox.

It’s PC. Not the slightest hope to ever do anything like that on Xbox.

OK . The Xbox controller on your Honeycomb yoke got me going there for a moment :rofl:

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I use that for camera and drone control as well as for my ATC commands.

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It’s only drivers to add. They are coming to XBOX, most popular will be compatible, “Honeycomb announces Xbox support” MS Hotas already works, same new one coming “Turtle Beach® VelocityOne™ Flight Universal Control System Features

I use Xbox controller for most of my PC gaming myself… So it’s not that uncommon. Hahaha.

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If the quality of that Turtle Beach yoke is anything like their headsets, they’ll last about 2 months and you’ll have zero customer support.