Why is this sim trying to murder my GPU? I am in the menu and the temps and usage are going through the roof!!! I have to lock to 30FPS to stop it, then unlock the FPS in the flight!
What on earth is going on with this!
Why is this sim trying to murder my GPU? I am in the menu and the temps and usage are going through the roof!!! I have to lock to 30FPS to stop it, then unlock the FPS in the flight!
What on earth is going on with this!
You could always lock it to 60fps, even if you don’t usually reach them … No I’ve not tried it but there should be no loss in performance unless you actually play above that.
I can get above 60 Pre SU5, but in regards to my issue if I lock at 60 the gpu goes mental in the menu…it has to be 30.
Yes, My PC is also at its hottest in the menu. If you leave a download going while you
sleep and it makes it to finish, the PC will sit there consuming maximum watts in the menu. I see spikes to 75 or 80c in the menu
and the game runs at 60c
It’s nuts, just installing the update was the most demanding thing my 3090 has ever done, went up to 83 degrees! In the end I set a 20 FPS frame limit, then several hours later when the game had finally loaded I forgot I did this, played the game and it was a complete stutter fest! I was thinking to myself that it was worse than ever, then realized I’d nerfed my PC earlier that day and forgot to set it back.
This is nothing new, it’s been like that since before release day in August 2020. Why this still isn’t fixed is beyond me. It seems they are more focused on marketing stunts than quality.
I completely forgot about this “feature” and left the sim downloading overnight. Came in this morning to find the room temperature significantly higher than the rest of my flat, and my graphics card sounding like a jet engine. (Also, the sim had apparently locked up on the main menu…)
This really needs to be fixed. Plenty of other games out there impose an FPS limit while in the menus without the end-user having to force it themselves. Why not this one? Especially if it’s been an issue since day one.
This needs to be addressed but until then minimise to taskbar for those big uploads
This is common for a lot of games where the frame rates for the splash screens and/or update screen run at unlocked frame rates. Even main menu’s. Some developers forever refuse to change it, others lock it down, and others will offer a separate option in the graphics settings for Menu FPS.
The only way to fix this is to manually limit the FPS, either through the games options if available, or the GPU’s own control panel.
However, even if your GPU is “going crazy” and hitting temps in the low 80’s… thats actually normal. Most GPU’s do not thermal throttle until they hit the 90’s and after that they will hit thermal protection and instantly shut down the PC. GPUs are designed to run at full tilt all the time.
Its honestly nothing to be that concerned about.
When it becomes a real problem, is when frame rates skyrocket to something like 1000fps and the GPU starts to have runaway voltage - like the recent issue that New World had with some GPU’s actually dying. Which has actually been resolved by the developer limiting menu frame rates to 60.
I personally went through Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings > Application Settings and limited frame rate to the sim to be locked at 60fps. Its not an FPS or some action game.
This way, my GPU runs at no more than 34c while running at 4k.
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