Why Is My MFD Blank?

Yesterday I tried flying the 787-10 for the first time, however never left the gate because I couldn’t get my MFDs to turn on. I’ve watched tutorials and it looks like the screens should turn on after battery and ext power is on, but mine don’t. Is there any trick to getting them on?

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Do you have any mods? try to temporarily move your community folder until it’s empty and try again.

No mods to 787. I do have some things in my community folder such as the Honeycomb Bravo light fix, the PMDG 737-700, PMDG liveries, the Flysimware 414AW, GTN750… I try removing everything from my community folder

MFD screens still blank with an empty community folder

After a complete uninstall and clean install, I was still experiencing the same issue with blank MFD screens. Almost ready give up on the 787, I mapped key bindings to set avionics on and off on my Honeycomb Alpha XPC and I’m now showing my MFDs.

My Alpha XPC profile had no bindings for avionics prior to mapping them, as I prefer the realism of clicking around the cockpit. It does seem strange that after clicking on the battery and aligning IRS, I must turn on avionics outside of the cockpit, so to say, in order to see my MFDs. Takes away from the realism.

That’s a strange process that I don’t experience myself. Here’s my flight on the 787 after the AAU2 patch update. Maybe there’s a process that I did here that’s different from you?

It’s very strange… I also have tried CTRL+E, thinking perhaps I missed a step, but MFDs still stay blank. I must command the avionics on in order for the screens to show. Are you using a Honeycomb Alpha XPC?

No, I’m not using Honeycomb Alpha XPC. I’m using Thrustmaster TCA Airbus edition. Have you tried with the default 787 livery, not the livery you’re using? Perhaps something overwriting the avionics from that livery that’s not compatible with AAU2 patch?

Same outcome with default livery. I suspect it has something to do with the Honeycomb

Hmm… if it has something to do with the Honeycomb, have you tried to make your profile to Blank? Do this to all your hardware including keyboard and everything else except for mouse. At least this is to isolate whether your hardware is affecting this issue.

With every connected hardware profile set to blank without any bindings, they should not be feeding any signal into the sim. After that, try to start a new flight again and give it a go. If the MFD still doesn’t work, then it shouldn’t be your hardware and it’s an issue coming from elsewhere, if it is. Then start enabling profile for one hardware at a time and start a new flight. If the MFD works, keep doing it until you find the culprit that’s causing the issue.

After that, you can start to go through each bindings for that one hardware to see what might have affected it. Let’s do this troubleshooting systematically and methodically.

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maybe. Do you have something binded to a switch? i think the sim reads the switches as something like a keyboard(where if you hold down, it turns on/off really fast)

I’ll give it a try. Thanks

I didn’t have any of the switches assigned on my Honeycomb Alpha, other than the yoke, as I prefer to click the respective switches in the cockpit for realism. However after I discovered this issue I had to assign the Avionics Bus 1 switch to set avionics on/off in order for the MFD to display.

Thank you all for your help. I was able to narrow it down to the profile I was using on my Honeycomb Bravo. I had originally duplicated my PMDG 737 profile for use in the 787. Some setting from within was causing my issue. Once I deleted the profile and built a new profile from scratch, all is well and working as it should.

Thanks again for the support!

Cool, glad it works out for you now. Just make sure that you might need to create separate profiles, one for the 787 and another for the 737 so you can keep switching between the two aircraft whenever you want to without reworking your entire control bindings.

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