There is no frequency for an Rnav approach ,this thread is confusing as half of you are talking about Rnav approaches and the others are talking about ILS approaches
Rnav approaches should be in Nav mode you seem to be in ILS mode
Rnav does use a frequency it’s default in the Sim…it’s radio navigation…ils and rnav have frequencys that have to be set unless the Sim does it for you as a default
no Rnav is a an approach using a GPS position system
" RNAV approach is all calculated using GPS way points. So basically you fly in “Nav” mode and pass the Initial approach Fix." quoted from another source.
You need to enter the Rnav approach into the FMC or Gps unit so it knows what approach and can recall and use it
but no radio frequencies are used wheras ILS needs a frequency as it is a radio system.
So on approach with an ILS you need to select VOR /ILS usually on the unit or avionics but for RNAV is stays in Nav mode
There is also RNAV (LNAV) which has no vertical navigation component
The “R” in RNAV does not stand for “Radio”, FYI, but rather “aRea”.
There is also RNP Approaches which are essentially Rnav with bells and whistles
found this on FAA website comparing RNP and ILS
Are you getting to land with the help of either in the sim rite now❓I’m getting a red G instead of the usual green G when you enter the glidescope
oh i don’t fly the 747 or the 787 but i’ve flown Rnav approaches many times. what airport are you flying into , which approach have you selected?
I’ve been flying the PA28 AND KODIAK 100 LATELY
i just set up a really dodgy 747 i m not set up to fly so i had to slew around a lot this is Rnav into mallorca and after a lot of effort it did follow it ( effort was because i was trying to get plane in right place)
and this is how it should look for the 747
Incorrect handling.
In Boeing aircraft APPR is a mode for ILS and IAN approaches, RNAV is flown in LNAV/VNAV until minimum descent altitude, then turn off AP, recycle or turn off FD and fly visually to the runway.
If it worked with APPR before it was wrong.
Vnav only works if you have ceretain parameters set in fmc i just tried vnav and Lnav and they do not work its following on appr currently
Selecting V nav it stops following the GP and flies level and Lnav is unselectable
You‘re supposed to set everything up that is required for the modes you want to use. That‘s the point of being a pilot. ^^
You‘re currently on an IAN approach. Look at your FMA, it says FAC|GP. It‘s the indication for the IAN approach.
IAN stands for Integrated Approach Navigation, it creates a fake approach mimicking an ILS approach but purely based on database and GPS.
please read the rest of the thread before you comment
i’m not doing a flight i bodged something up to show how the pfd displays different on Rnav to ILS
so it is an Rnav and FAC / IAN is part of an Rnav approach
Originally I replied to the OP, unfortunately the forum doesn‘t seem to show that.
ok np ive got confused before too sometimnes
Anyway, what you set up in the screenshots above shows the plane having captured the IAN mode. It happens if you arm APPR without there being an ILS identified and received.
yes that was kind of the point some people were having troub le with Rnav approaches and it seemed were getting ILS and Rnav mixed up, further up the thread is a pic of the PFD but its in LOC mode and an ils frequency has been dialled in i was showing how it would look in RNAV
You haven‘t got the plane to autoland because you haven‘t been on the ILS even once in your pictures above. The lady above my post pointed me back to your pictures, thank her
Step by step
An ILS is a combination of radio beams giving you the localizer and the glideSLOPE. (Caps intended, see below). You dial in a frequency or in the 747 you just select the ILS in the FMS and it dials it in itself. Once the airplane receives the ILS and you see white diamonds in the PFD while on an intercept heading you can arm APPR. It will then capture the ILS showing you LOC | GS for glideSLOPE.
If you fly an RNAV approach which is nothing but a GPS approach with vertical guidance from the database and you happen to arm APPR you will engage IAN mode (see above). The FMA will say FAC | GP for Final Approach Course and glidePATH. You are supposed to fly a GPS approach in LNAV and VNAV. You MAY use IAN if you wish.
IAN and RNAV are NOT precision approaches by definition, you cannot autoland with these modes. You must use ILS for that. The airplane is technically able to autoland with any ILS, doesn‘t matter if CAT1 or 3b. These categories define the level of protection at the airport and I think the guaranteed precision of the ILS beams.
Because the new update has many questions - so I like it I have lots to ask myself.
When will CAP SIM - BREDOCK’S B747 and B777 - B767 get the new AAU2 updates?