Why is the sim only using 6 GB RAM?

The simulator seems to be using only around 6 GB of my available 32 GB of RAM. Could this be related to the XBOX port? It seems the sim has become better at utilizing my GFX card (running at 99%) and my CPU runs at around 23-25%, but RAM is totally underused.

I experience MASSIVE stutters when panning around the camera. I suspect that the sim is not using all the potential of the RAM, and therefore stutters when buffering in the scenery due to the next culling feature.

Anyone else seeing low RAM usage?

Yes, I think your assumptions about the XBox port are correct.

They did mention before the update that they had managed to reduce the memory required by a factor of about 3x which sounds great.
But I suspect that’s just so they could fit it into the amount of available Ram on the XBOX X/S.

If it’s something that is impacting on performance/visuals for PC users who have more Ram available they should implement a system that detects how much Ram you have and make sensible use of it.

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I experience the same. Major stutters when panning in cockpit. On my setup, stutters actually became worse after the latest hotfix, was better in SU5 vanilla



This update includes significant performance improvements to make the experience more seamless.

  • Improved multi core support for CPU
  • Better memory and GPU usage




Honestly, it’s a bit ridiculous that they forced the console optimizations onto us PC users. I’m a little disappointed in Digital Foundry for not catching this in their analysis.


Yes, everytime I am on an approach to an airport the sim freezes for a few seconds, like it is loading the AI at that airport. Then it resumes as normal. Now I am expecting this to happen everytime I want to land somewhere. Most annoying, especially in strong winds and bad weather.

However, no issues in flight or on the tarmac.

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