Why is the Top Gun: Maverick DLC being removed?

Why would MS remove the DLC?
If I wipe my PC and reinstall FS2020 will I have access to the Top Gun: Maverick DLC?
Will other DLC be removed in the future?

Hi @BravoAlfaZulu

This was all covered on the Developer QnA livestream held this last Wednesday, when the announcement about the DLC removal was made.

April 2024 Developer Live Stream [OFFICIAL] - Twitch Timestamp: 1:44:36

The reason the DLC will be removed from sale is due to the licensing agreement with the movie company in charge of production.

If you already own the rights to the product you should be able to install it from the Content Manager in the future.

The MSFS Team


Thanks. I only read about the highlights of the Q&A. That makes sense. Thanks for the info

As this thread and the last 40+ days have shown, this solution may not be correct. As this text from the Dev Blog shows, he does not clearly answer if it will be available to redownload after July 25th, 2024. If anything, he somewhat contradicts himself making it sound like it will not be available to redownload.

[Jorg] Are we on the slide? Are we done? Okay. Jayne is questioned out. Here we go. Well, anyway, so you saw this, then this is sort of bittersweet for me because I love it. So come to the next slide. This was a very successful expansion. We’re approaching 3 million downloads. We’ve seen over 40 million flight sessions and because it’s a movie license, those things, unfortunately not endless. It’s going to leave the marketplace on [May 25th] so I don’t think many people have not downloaded this that are on this call, but, but, but if you want it, that would be a good time. because in about a month, it’s gone. Yeah.

[Jayne] So if they download it now, they’ll have it when it’s gone.

[Jorg] And I would, if there’s a Top Gun, I will show us, I’ll try to do something else again with those guys, but you know, they talk about it. So, so, so, but you know, we’ll see.

[Martial] So maybe we’ve got to be a little bit more clear. If you have downloaded it, you will keep it.

[Jorg] It’s not going to be deleted from your machine. That’s not even legal, right? But you can’t download it again, basically, is the problem. If you’re a new customer, you can’t download it again.

While he says people that have downloaded it will have it, there is nothing clear about having it if the reinstall the game on a new or rebuilt PC.

Jorg says “But you can’t download it again, basically, is the problem. If you’re a new customer, you can’t download it again.”

While he reiterates “new customer” this is still not clear. As others have said in other posts, “I wish they would speak clearly” As a software developer myself of 25+ years the one thing I’ve learned is to speak precisely regarding functionality. While they are certainly not speaking in their native tongues, this is clearly left too ambiguous re future re-downloads. You stated in this thread that you were going to look into it. Has anything new been announced that gives clarity.

[May 23, 2024 Development Update Blog Discussion - Discussion Hub / General Discussion - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums]

Just a bit of fun before it goes

 with any luck, the Dune DLC is gonna be removed eventually too! :slight_smile:


Yeah that’s pretty ambiguous!
Like you said, I’m not sure if it’s because English isn’t his first language or if he’s being deliberately vague.
I personally wipe my machine clean every couple of years and wouldn’t want to lose it.
There are several paid add-ons such as Miltechs Supercarrier Pro and several popular free mods that require the Top Gun add-on.
I wonder if there’s a way to back it up specifically?
Or perhaps the whole argument will be obsolete if some form of it is included in FS2024?! (assuming most will want to upgrade)

Just for info, the latest version of supercarrier doesn’t require the top gun add-on.

This is a weird statement as well. No one paid for this, so why would removing it be illegal?

The impression I took away from the Q+A is that it will be removed as a new download from the marketplace but it won’t suddenly disappear from your simulator if you already have it.

Obviously if you do a new install of the sim for whatever reason it’ll no longer be available. You won’t loose the F-18 since that wasn’t part of Top Gun DLC but you will loose the Maverick livery for it.

Personally I’ll be sad for the Darkstar not to come to FS2024 later this year. I know its a fictitious plane but I’ve always had a lot of fun with it.

So you’d be happy having someone remotely accessing your PC and removing files?

What do you think happens with regular software updates?

Your files are replaced/overwritten with other files that maintain the same or improved functionality.

If that’s true then they should change the blurb on the market place because it still says:

“Notes - Installing the freeware Top Gun Expansion is a requirement for this product to work correctly.”

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That’s a very naive point of view.

So I’ll take your answer to my original question as a “yes” then shall I?

I guess we’ll have to agree to differ, in a civil manner of course.

Well no one is ‘remotely accessing’ anyone’s computer and removing files in the nefarious manner which you’re implying. That’s just silly.

I was questioning the legality of a software update potentially removing a feature. I don’t see how there’s any issue in that respect.

Then just a case of brevity leading to misunderstanding?

Fair enough.

The latest version hasn’t made it on to the marketplace yet.

I’m just reading this for the first time, and am absolutely devastated.

My son and I LOVE flying the Darkstar. While it is totally fictitious, this is by far the closest to “looking like we’ve gone to space” that we’ll ever get, and allows us to perform transcontinental flights in short periods of time.

It is A LOT of fun and we LOVE it.

If its a money or DLC thing, I would gladly pay up to ~$50 to purchase the Darkstar in FS2024 as a standalone aircraft, even if its just offered as it is presently found in FS2020 - it is so unique.

Its ability to hit the sims 275,000 ft ceiling at Mach 10 is unique. If the licensor chooses not to renew this for FS2024, Im beyong annoyed, as I would GLADLY pay for this to retain this capability in FS2024.