Why is there no snow in Aspen? Edit: Just Landed today 6th February snowing beautifully!

Just landed in Aspen and with live weather on there was no snow in Aspen. The whole area around the airport was green. In real life it’s all snow white winter Wonderland.

Is there a way to get more true to life weather?

REX SkyForce might be an answer

But its not the word that blocks water, its the word that sounds like barn…LOL

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I always thought dar-n was a perfectly reasonable and very mild expression. Doesn’t seem fair to ban it!

I’ve had mixed experiences with the snow … but on balance, mostly good. I wonder if the weather engine has a problem with lying snow in otherwise fine weather?

Did have to ‘visit’ northern Finland recently; Flew in one day with little snow - next day there was plenty of the stuff, and a pretty good match for the reported weather.


See @moderators, I’m not the only one who thinks the profanity filter here is out of it’s “dam” mind. If we have to have one (and I’d vote for not having one at all), can we at least make it semi-competent?

As for snow, it seems to be right only some of the time, and usually just when you don’t want it to be. I tried a flight out of LFLJ earlier today because I like the challenge of flying out, turning around, and not only just finding the airport, but landing safely, but today it was completely covered in snow. I barely even managed to spot it on the way back in, but once I did spot it, the landing was actually pretty good.

Maybe I’m getting so good at landing there that I should get a job doing it?


Same is true of Leadville(just over the hill). Sometimes weather works and sometime…not so much. I would think that this time of year they should be paying attention to accumulations because there would be snow on the ground all winter.
Still a work in progress. I was just glad to hear that they are going to start working on turboprop flight dynamics soon.


There was a comment up there flagged that was sadly correct. The real weather does not do a good job or in game weather. REX I have found does 100% better job. I had hoped they would have sorted it out by now but since they haven’t I don’t think they will. Thank GOD for Rex fixing the issues.

I flew to aspen yesterday and there was snow

Can you send me a picture or video of the snow covered Aspen?

Because this is is a €129 euro game / sim … presenting the complete world and not every spot will be 100% accurate. Not every plane will be 100% simulated … not every house will be available … not every church will be modeled

Managing expectations is the key. Even if accurate 50% of the times it is an big achievement for a €129 game


Pay millions for an accurate GLOBAL weather computer to find out its not 100% accurate also


pay millions for a full professional flight simulator … to find out those graphics sucks as well and the REAL feeling is different also

Manage expectations and enjoy the game


But, in your own words, they marketed

and also Real Time Live Weather.

My expectations are to get what is payed for. Two add-on options have been offered in this thread that overcome the problem. If guys at home can find a way to do it, then surely that crowd in France can too.

On average a video game cost around U.S $60. So MSFS standard version costs about normal. If you bought a car for average price and it only worked correctly 50% of the time, I bet your expectations

would be shattered too.

Please, stop defending poor workmanship and service, It does no one any good to do so.


A car is not €129 euros

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Read what I wrote. I prefaced the statement, because I KNEW you would reply as you did.

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Man ever real multimillion dollar planes crash due to “bugs” … and here people cry because there is a place where snow is missing

You better buy a nintendo and play super Mario … has bugs also by the way … and is a million times easier to make with way less variables.

This world is getting crazy …

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You can make your own snow landscape in the weather , even the height of snow and density of clouds. If you want the vegetation in right colors as well, use the 4 season mod.

A PPL is cheaper, I swear :smiley: but the reward is 100% correct ^^

Hahaha yeah … however i had to stop after my 2nd solo flight …then i met my wife and she is the most expensive :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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So far I have resisted the temptation to buy REX because it would break my heart to spend that money, only to have Asobo turn around and fix their weather engine at the very next patch.

But I did do that with ATC when I bought pilot2ATC, which is actually considerably more money.

But I can personally tell you because since VR came out, I have avoided using pilot2ATC so as to give FS every possible resource to successfully run in VR, that the native ATC has gotten a LOT better, to very little fanfare, because there was such a long break since I last used it and since I just started again for the sake of giving VR more resources. It still needs work, and they DESPERATELY need to add the option to literally TALK to them, rather than using your keyboard and/or mouse, but it is making progress, and quickly, too.

EDIT: In fact you’ve pushed me over the fence, as soon as I’m done with the forum in a bit, I’m going to buy REX and then go flying. I don’t know if they fixed the issue of excessively overaggressive icing, or if that’s a different issue, but in the event they DID somehow, that all by itself will make it worth the money.

@Parper3150, where would one find that? Sounds interesting…

I think it is not allowed in this forum to show direct links, but you can search for
“bijan 4 seasons” and you will find it, it is great. Will be like Aspen live…