Why is VSync disabled with Frame Gen ON?

Why is VSync disabled with Frame Gen ON? Can this setting be enabled to allow for smoother frame rates? I don’t need my GPU shooting 200 FPS when my monitor can only do 144 Hz, it also gives screen tearing. This option was allowed in MSFS 2020 but now it’s set to disabled by default if you enable frame gen in 2024.


Yep - Agree with this.

This was well reported as a BUG in 2020 - The moment you enabled FG V-SYNC stopped working. The workaround we had to use was using external applications to enfroce V-SYNC (RTSS or NVIDIA Control Panel). I see now its simply not an option to turn VSYNC on when FG is on.

So it seems like after four years of reporting the bug, it wasn’t fixed, but rather just built into the UI.

If this is beyond the capabilities of the developers, or it isn’t possible with the way the software is built then please let us know so we can stop asking for it. Otherwise, please fix it.


i simply do not understand, why vsync is disabled… makes no sense with a stuttery mess now with fg enabled and vsync to off

This is not a bug. All games that support FG disable the vsync option. It is a requirement from Nvidia to reduce latency. You can still force vsync in the Nvidia control panel.

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Works better on my side anyway. I‘ve turned VSync off in the sim and use NVIDIA‘s adaptive setting. Clear and smooth picture. But that‘s also the case in RDR2 which I‘ve played for 3 days now.

Moved from Wishlist to User Support Hub as the OP was asking for advice from the community.