Why not include a camera like a reticle binocular?

I think the best way to see around the world from a private plane when you flight is use a binocular. Why not we have a reticle binocular on our planes in the simulator like this?


Good idea,better immersion, you should create this thread in the VR wish list so we will be able to vote.

Thanks for the idea, CodeLoran69, I create this petition in Whish list section. :ok_hand:

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Did you mean to put this in the VR Wishlist category, as @CodeLoran69 mentioned? Or did you want it to be in the regular Wishlist category? Right now, it is in the regular VR category.
I would be happy to move it for you if you want it in the VR Wishlist category.

First of all, my apologies for my poor English, I am Spanish.

And my apologies again for not knowing the entire structure of the forum because I just visit only the “parts” that interest me the most and I don’t do it too often.

I’ve already created a thread on the Self-service Whist Lists New camera like marine binoculars although it doesn’t seem to be of much interest.
If you consider it to be a “duplicate”, then perhaps it is better to delete this one.

And if you consider it better, just move from the Self-service Whist List to the VR Whist List.

Thank you very much for your work.

Hi there,

No need to apologize. Your English is great (mucho mejor que mi español)! I have been to your country many times and it’s a very beautiful place!

The only reason I asked about your Wishlist topic is because VR Wishlist was mentioned above. Is your request only for VR, or is it both for VR and non-VR, as well?

(By the way, the system will let you vote for your own topic.)

I think is really good for both. But in VR is most realistic.

Okay, if it’s a request for both, we can keep it where it is. Thanks!

Thank you very much.

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W used to be able to zoom in external view and drone mode. But somebody probably decided to take it away, because the mistaken belief that it is bad for VR. Baloney, let us have choice.

When VR was first implemented in MSFS, I was able to chill out and watch airplanes land at hanada airport, from a VOR installation in Tokyo bay. I felt as though I was there checking out the airport with binoculars. I could hear the birds and ocean waves. It was amazing.

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