Why so many UK simmers as compared to the US or elsewhere?

Which is why I was smart and ducted the exhaust fan outlet of my PC around my house. Everyone stays warm, I get to fly 24/7.

In terms of the topic, I think Covid has a lot to do with it. A lot of people took up the hobby when it released in 2020, some who’ve never touched a flight sim in their lives, such as some of my diehard FPS friends. They stuck with it, learnt the ropes and the next natural stage is simbrief etc. Why British, we love a good survey as long as it’s not those types mithering you when you’re out shopping, “got a spare 5 minutes?” No, b****r off. I’m never that rude though, I’m British.

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Maybe it’s the propensity for travel and when not actually travelling the world, the British population is thinking about, or planning to travel?

MSFS is a great way to satiate the travel bug in the meantime.


It is obvious MS/Asobo have favored updates where people are playing over updates where people aren’t.

My favorite was the first update. Japan. A market MS desperately wants to grow!

No big mystery why they have focused their WUs where they have…

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its a mulitplayer game really?

Massively online multiplayer.

Check your settings.

If you look at the scenery map on flightsim.to, you’ll also see the countries where 3rd party airports are located are roughly in this order as well. It’s obvious their data tells there where people are from and where they’re flying, and they prioritize those locations.

And you’re 100% correct about Japan as well.

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A ton of us use it that way. We do group flights and connect on Discord so we can talk to each other as we fly.

yes a lot do but… a lot don’t… to me its not a multiplayer game MP is just an option.
i usually fly alone and the way some people act its better to turn it off anyway point i was making was the post inferred everyone used multiplayer and interacted


That’s the beauty of the sim. It can be used many ways and we have the option to use it as we wish.


Mobile app usage stats for ahem… a different flight simulator. Again the UK/DE showing higher relative popularity than the also (yet not as competently) English speaking US.

I wonder if there aren’t enough guns in the game for the US market.


When you consider the cost of a high-end machine, the game, all the hardware,software, mods,peripherals, it can be pricey. These are some of the most prosperous areas in the world.

That should again give the US a big advantage over parts of Europe where it’s much more popular in proportion to the population sizes. I guess I should rephrase the subject title as that’s what I find most curious.

It has only cost me about 10 grand so far for this 50 Euro game :crazy_face:

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In UK? ehmmm not really…

I’m thinking gun enthusiasts, wherever they’re from, are not likely to be serious simmers. They may have a hunting game on a game console.

Believe it or not, some of the most violent games are created in other countries!

I don’t think many simmers sim on mobile devices. OTOH, MSFS has no mobile app.

Wow. I have way less than that in it, especially if one considers the fact that I use my computer for more than just MSFS.

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Why so many UK simmers?

Maybe because there are a few airfields in the UK :wink:


That looks like a lot of airfields. What are they, farm fields? Historic RAF grass strips?

The UK was/continues to be a pioneer in the aviation field - It is a country with big interest in all things aviation. Some of you speak about the UK like it’s a surprise there’s so many airfields, or there’s big interest here… :rofl:


It’s a surprise when compared to the US, which has a vastly larger aviation presence in terms of number of airports, aircraft, operations, etc.