Why you can't start MSFS2020 today July 28. 2021 with solution

If anyone is having issues getting MSFS to start this morning here is why. If you were part of the preview group and you had the newest version in advance 1.18.13 then this morning the UserCFG.opt file was updated back to the default packages folder on your C drive. I simply updated the directory back to my sim location. The directory is at the bottom of the UserCFG.opt file. You can find that folder here. C:\Users???\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache

I had this problem about an hour ago – it said there’s an update available, when there shouldn’t be one. MS Store downloaded 50-ish MB on check, but the sim still said there’s an update available.
2 or 3 times of updates later I rebooted, and it wiped the entire FlightSimulator_8we… directory, including my Community folder. Only 8 MB remained in total.
I had not changed the path either manually or on install.

Currently redownloading everything… thankfully with a fast connection.

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