I am in the process of cooking up a ferry flight in the A2A Comanche from Leeds Bradford EGNM to Florida via the northern atlantic route.

Yesterday, I conducted a flight from leeds to Wick John o Groats airport and was not impressd with the stock generated buildings, it looked like a modern concrete building international airport, not the ex wartime coastal command airfield it should appear as.
Very disappointing to see such hallowed ground treated thus.

Does anyone know of a suitable addon? FS2024.

Scotflight at flightsim.to has done loads of Scottish airfields, all free, including Wick. I highly recommend his work.


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Thanks very much XR. Apparently it does not match up with the 2024 bing terrain though.

What a great pity.
Cheers for your efforts, it does look to be a great resource for the future though.

Being new to the most recent versions of msfs, last I had was fsx, I have much to learn about the wheres and hows.

Moved to Airports that is more appropriate since not a support question.

It might be worth a try in 2024. I have moved all of my 2024 sceneries over and while there are a few anomalies, most work fine and are certainly better than the default airfields. The great thing about freeware is that if its not to your liking you can just delete it :blush:

Good luck with your flight. I’m taking a Shorts 330 the other way, Left Tallahassee a few weeks ago and I’m now in Iceland about to go back to the UK.

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Here are a few from FS24 today and it looks ok to me…

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Thanks. I will have to get it.

I left Wick for the Faroe Islands yesterday and the Faroes for Keflavik, Iceland this morning.

Unfortunately, my comanche is presently lying in a snowy field after force landing at the side of an Icelandic Fjord after getting into some unforecast bad airframe icing over the Vatnajokull glacier.

Hey, any landing you walk away from is a good landing, right?

She will be repaired…


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