Windows 11 update 24H2 appears to break Saitek drivers. I had a message that the driver saih0c2d.sys was being blocked for security reasons. This driver is used by the Logitech throttle quadrant.
Since Logitech still markets these devices, perhaps they’ll update the driver for the panels. I think the latest one is from 2020. Incidently, the pedals, throttles yoke are not affected and work fine. There is another thread on here concerning this issue, perhaps look that up if you continue to have issues.
Yes, well I think so.
I tried your link because I didn’t want to turn the security setting off unless I absolutely had to. I downloaded and installed the 64 bit driver and restarted my computer, when I launched FS2020 it detected the quadrant again and I was able to complete a few flights with no further issues.
It may be worth noting that I had forgotten to turn it on BEFORE starting FS2020, indeed the flight was loading when I turned the quadrant and NXT on, and only the quadrant failed, my NXT didn’t have a problem.
I just got this error / warning after installing the usual Thursday updates from Microsoft. The driver also worked for me. The Topic Author may wish to mark that link as the solution.
Trying to install the recommended driver. The post says 64-bit, but the German site says 32-bit and when I attempt to install it chides me for attempting to install a 32-bit driver on a 64-bit Windows 11. Any advice for 64-bit Windows 11 users?
Thanks TenPatrol. I went back to the site and selected Windows 11 and the only option listed is 32-bit. After thinking I must be crazy as your screenshot clearly shows a selection - clearly I must be blind - I thought: your screenshot does not show the OS version selection, maybe it’s under Windows 10. And there it was. So you can’t currently find this under Windows 11, only under Windows 10 selection. But I wouldn’t have even thought to look without your post - so thanks!
Had this issue today, but ended up being the driver for my Saitek Rudder pedals as they where no longer working (device managers showed the driver in error as well). Took some digging to find drivers for them. But finally located Win10 64 bit ones dated 2018. Which seemed to do the trick.