As I got the Microsoft don’t want the Console version to be any different from the PC version. Will it also mean that the PC version will thereforce lack some features including potential ones that are too resource consuming for a console even if they are fine with the PC?
Like for example there was already some reduction of effects such as cloud and ground shadows, LOD draw distance after the SU5 to make it the same as a Console version which have limited graphical power.
I agree with it. I hope they will give the PC version the fulll attention!!
But it is Microsoft so …
From what I understand Asobo has said that PC will get graphic sliders that goes higher than Ultra in the future.
But what would be the point if “Ultra” itself will be significantly reduced?
Not all PCs are high-end, some might even be lower than the console.
So I would agree on OP that hopefully both versions can look similar but one can choose features so that high-end PCs can benefit of power, and even low-end PCs could even choose console-like needs.
I’m happy knowing that if MSFS looks after good experience in consoles, I can hope for a flight simulator where even when having a powerful machine we won’t need to be always seeking for two extra FPS. Can you imagine?
PC users with SU5 have been delivered with an Xbox version of the game that nobody wanted. This needs to change
Absolutely. I payed for a PC (Full Simulation from the MS Store) with the visuals that were abundantly clear that where vastly superior to what we have today.
You can increase the Lod sliders yourself in user.cfg , so even today the PC version can look better than Xbox.
Don’t want to mess up with cfg files in 2021. It’s utterly ridicolous. They need to bring back MSFS at PC standards. Period.
At first it was exciting; new liveries, new effects, new animals, new features…
But I think the Developers weren’t exactly honest when they said “XBOX version will not be any different from the PC version” and “There will be a major perfomance update”.
Whant they really meant “We are downgrading the graphical quality of the PC version to make it same as the XBOX version, but we will also add some new features”.
The answer to the question is No.
And they have confirm in a Q&A that they will implement sliders that goes beyond what is Ultra today for PC, either wait for that or do it yourself.
as always, back up the files before editing…
C:\Users\ … \AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache
These two options will affect how far out you see “sharp” terrain. Keep in mind there are 5x more players on the servers than before the update and that will affect how fast / slow textures update / res in.
In game - I had my sliders set to 150… in the config, that seemed to set them to 0.7
I tried 5.0 ( the slider in game indicated 200 - so there’s definite a limit applied from the game menus )
One of the guys in the FB groups recommended 4.0 - 7.0, but that’s definitely going to hit your FPS.
I found a good balance of improved perf and good quality at 2.0 for my 1080Ti 12gb at 4k
LoDFactor 2.000000
LoDFactor 2.000000
No, you shouldn’t need to edit a cfg in this day and age 
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LoDFactor 2.000000 is Ultra 200 in game, and if you doesn’t use the preset settings you have to scroll down and change the “Custom” settings, and you can only set a value higher than 2.0 … below 2.0 … handles by the slider in the game.
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No, you shouldn’t need to edit a cfg in this day and age 
True, I had to constantly edit cfg files in FSX xD
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Totally agree, it is a mess with the pc version after the update.
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we all did… it was annoying 
my biggest hope for MSFS was not needing to endlessly tweak stupid stuff and not needing to buy 3rd party addons for world scenery, traffic, weather, peripheral controllers, VR, cameras, flight recorders etc
I’d have friends over to check out my FSX/P3D setup and they’d be like “wow - unbelievable!!! I want to try that myself - what do I need?”
$2000 PC, $700 in controllers, these 7 add-on enhancements, $1000 in add-on aircraft and airport scenery… and they’d walk out 
In game slider appears to cap at 200, so your LOD radius in the config could be 2, 5 or 7 and the menus will still show 200. ( I think - haven’t thoroughly checked it )
Ultra doesn’t have anything to do with the LOD radius
I am also wondering, that if indeed this downgrading (for now maybe) is a factor, was it downgraded also to be compatible with the Xbox “s” series? That’s a 1080P resolution. If so? no wonder the ground textures look terrible at altitude. Perfahps i am wrong here of course, i will aknowledge that too if i am.
IDK - I think partly it’s the LOD radius reduced, but maybe also server load - there’s waaaay more players online this week.