Will Microsoft, Xbox and PMDG teams collectively find a way to update nav data?


As I’m sure you’re familiar with the forum Code of Conduct, you will undoubtedly have seen this section before (bolded emphasis added):

:small_blue_diamond:Community Managers & other Microsoft Flight Simulator Staff

The most frequent staff members you will see posting on the forums are the community managers and moderators. We enforce the CoC and respond to threads and posts, whether it is to address an issue or simply having fun.

If you don’t see us responding, it isn’t because we are ignoring you. Sometimes we don’t have a good answer, or we are looking for an answer or we cannot comment on the issue at the time.

We also have other work we have to do that isn’t on the forums so if you don’t see us around, we are working on something else for you!

The community team member list can be found here.

The Community Management team reads almost every message posted to these forums, and we have been actively following this thread from the very beginning. In this case, both @Chewwy94 and I have been working behind the scenes to find out if there’s more information we can share to address the questions in the OP. For reasons you no doubt understand, it’s essential that we do not post anything that is incomplete, incorrect, or confidential, so oftentimes that means we need to reach out to other members of the team to make sure we understand the issue fully and know exactly what information we can share with you before we comment.
