Will msfs 2020 in new xbox support Reverb G2 VR

This may be off topic but i will just blurt it out. I have long used the original rift vr in xplane and for me vr is the way to go …so I am anxiously awaiting vr in msfs. I am contemplating updating my rift to the reverb g2 when it is for sale in Canada. I am also thinking of updating my ps4 and and trying to choose between xbox and playstation…when either is for sale in Canada. I also like to use yokes and joysticks in combination with vr controls…so not flying with standard xbox or ps controllers.
So to help me make my decisions I am wondering if the new xbox will support the HP reverb g2 headset and peripherals for pc such as yokes throttles etc.?

Do yourself a favor and leave the consoles to the kiddies. Run MSFS on a PC and be happy. I don’t know if the G2s will be XBox supported, but they will be on a PC!

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No need to be so condescending.

The XBox series X will perform better than the PC’s that (most likely) 80+ % of the PC userbase is playing on, if not 90+ %.


You should probably assume the Xbox will not support any form of VR until Microsoft announces such a feature specifically. At this time there is zero VR support for any model of Xbox One.

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Does the Xbox Series X or Series S support virtual reality (VR)? | Windows Central

It would appear not. Not yet at least.

Thanks for the replies. I think , for me anyway, that flight sim vr is going to be a PC endeavor for the foreseeable future. Microsoft seem to be doing so much to blend xbox and pc together I wonder why there is no movement on the support of standard vr head sets. It took me a while to understand why I had to buy my pc version of msfs 2020 from the xbox games store.

My understanding is that peripherals like racing wheels, joysticks, etc need a special security chip to work with the XBox, which no current VR headset has. It would seem very unlikely to me that Microsoft would enable an existing headset to work with XBox - they would likely create a new peripheral you would need to go buy.

Even for a ‘typical’ yoke/throttle/pedals setup for MSFS on XBox, you’ll need all new Xbox-capable stuff.

I think this is where the product could split into two…A game for X Box and a potential flight sim for the PC. It will be interesting if the X box version is “dumbed down” to allow gamers to use the X box controller…or a USB utility is bought out to allow connection of FS peripherals, eg rudders, yokes etc. Also if then, they concentrate on the PC version, and “mould” it into a Flight Simulator, as the one that was depicted on their release advertising material.

I don’t think WMR will ever support consoles folks…this would have been done 3 years ago.
WMR/Microsoft have dropped the ball when it comes to Console VR.
They could have spearheaded WMR/XBOX VR with a solid Halo/Forza VR title and took the race, but they fumbled instead as usual.
I seriously doubt they have any interest in doing so now…

See this old thread… Xbox will likely support VR at some point.

You’re absolutely correct. Hence why all the “they’re dumbing down the graphics for XBox” is basically BS.

Personally I’d still go PC. There’s more capability for expansion, both in terms of available peripherals and software (mods). And in 2 years when the new 16+ core Ryzen 6950x and new RTX4080 comes out and obliterates the XBox’s performance, you can upgrade on PC. You can’t upgrade your XBox.


I’m not being condescending at all. Rather, I’m trying to do serious simmers a favor and let them know that MSFS on the XBox is a toy, and not intended (or likely usable) for serious simming.

Not to mention it won’t be out until Summer of '21, so you’re looking at a 6+ month wait anyway. Well, maybe by then people will be able to find the new XBox, too.

Where is a list of hardware specs needed to drive the Reverb G2 VR on PC running MSFS 2020 ?

What makes you think serious simmers won’t buy this.I myself have been simming for years and might be consider getting one.Lot cheaper than to upgrade to a whole new rig and it will likely support some of the flight controls.No tweaking of graphics settings etc big bonus for me!
The new XBOX series X outclasses my current PC and its a lot more expensive for me to upgrade.

If you are serious about flight sims, you will want to use PC. Think about all the peripherals, mods, other sims like DCS and addons you’ll not be able to use on console.

It depends.

If you like couch gaming and like consoles, then there’s no reason not to get an XBox and even play MSFS on it if you like. It will likely run well - likely better than most peoples’ PCs currently running it because it’s all current gen hardware, unlike most people running 2-3+ gen old hardware in their PCs. If that’s what you’re into, then go for it.

If someone is hardcore into simming and has a custom home cockpit with high end boutique hardware or wants to build one, then XBox is totally out of the question. Honeycomb yoke, throttle and pedals will work on XBox, if they don’t already. They’re also building a HOTAS for XBox. But that’s pretty much your choice of hardware at that point. Want those Logitech rudder pedals, AP, Radio and Switch panels? We’ll you’re ■■■■ outta luck. Want that pro-grade Yoko yoke? Too bad. You like those high end VRI instrument panels? Tough ■■■■. You want some of those Siminonics Garmin systems? No dice. Want to install freeware mods and add-ons that aren’t paid marketplace add-ons? Nope. You’ll get what they give you.

So yes, you CAN sim on XBox, but it’s going to be a pretty basic, watered down experience compared to what’s available on PC. If you’re cool with that and that’s all you want, then by all means get yourself an XBox and sim on it.

But for serious simmers that take their overall sim experience seriously, it’s a terrible option as a sole source for their simming.

Forgive me Father for I have Simmed (on an Xbox) .


I am not an expert, nor do I claim special knowledge, but I have most definitely read in an official release from Microsoft that flight peripheral makers (Honeycomb was named) have partnered with MS to produce accessories. I have not read anything concerning VR and I’d personally resist making any assumptions boding for/against VR on XBox.

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Serious simmer? You mean on PC, right? Because as close as I can tell (and I actually looked) before MSFS (aka FS2020) no serious flight simulation program has been available for Xbox. No FSX, no XPlane, no P3D. I can’t rule out that there haven’t been some flight sims (or other games like BF or COD that include “flying”) that nobody has ever heard of, but no serious ones anyway.

And since those other “serious sims” are not currently available, and are dead end products compared to MSFS, I doubt you’ll see them on XBox in the future, either.

I think @Crunchmeister71 covered the issues of controllers pretty well, but he understated it. He didn’t mention that most existing controllers (for example, my mid-range Thrustmaster t.1600M) aren’t XBox compatible, and the Honeycomb ones for XBox aren’t out yet (looking like Q2 2021 or later), and they don’t appear (from the limited photos and information that has been released) to be the exact same as the PC version.

Plus the combined Throttle/TQS costs more than the entire XBox to begin with, and that’s before you add the rudders. And that’s at MSRP, if you want them right now you either pay scalper pricing, or wait until an undetermined time in the future, because nobody is even taking pre-orders right now.

And the Yoko yoke he mentioned is 2x the price of an XBox all by itself.

As far as everything else he brought up, he’s dead right. No freeware/open source mods (and there are a lot of really good ones, including aircraft, airports, and other scenery), no high end controllers, and just a “watered down experience”.

Some things he didn’t mention include companion apps like Navigraph, pilot2ATC, and LittleNavmap, Pushback Helper, and more, all of which add immense immersion factors, and none of which work on XBox. Besides, for the best experience with those, you’ll want a second monitor to run them on, an option that I don’t think XBox even offers.

You want VR? Most of the really good HMDs aren’t available for XBox, and they cost more than it does to begin with. Even the ones that ARE available don’t have all the features or graphics that PC offers, and cost 80% give or take what the XBox does.

And I can’t possibly see how no tweaking of the options is a positive. You want ultra quality volumetric clouds and that’s not what they give you? Too bad, so sad. And if it’s not offered because the console itself isn’t badass enough to handle them, upgrading to something that is ain’t an option either, until some years down the line when they release an upgraded version. And who knows when that will be, what the specs will be, or even how much it will cost. Even if the cost is the same, you have to get the whole thing, rather than doing one or two smaller upgrades (like a new CPU or new GPU) that will get you what you want easier and possibly cheaper than yet another new XBox.

So, you’re right, but only in one way. It is cheaper to acquire a new XBox (if you can find one), and buy MSFS (sometime next summer) than it is to get a new rig to replace your old one, especially if you go for high end parts. But that’s literally the only advantage running on an XBox has. Oh, and the software is available NOW. Maybe by the time it comes out on XBox, you’ll be able to find one. Maybe.

In every other measurable way, the PC has the advantage, plus you don’t have to replace the whole thing when all you need is a single component upgraded. Even for your old rig, upgrading the CPU and GPU may be cheaper than a new XBox, or possibly only marginally more expensive if you don’t go for the top of the line stuff.

So be my guest, and run MSFS on your new Xbox. If none of the above bothers you, you may very well be perfectly happy with it. But I think it’s overstating it to call yourself a “serious simmer” if you do. I apologize for writing half of a novel, but I want serious simmers to realize the sacrifices they’d be making by settling for the XBox version.

Now, I’m glad it exists, especially for people who are looking for a “flying game” as opposed to serious simulation. Because MS/Asobo is going to sell an absolute buttload of them, and that’s going to provide revenues to keep the devs employed and working on the sim, with most of those future enhancements more targeted towards serious simmers on PCs. So, to the XBox “flying game” players, I say thank you for subsidizing the product for us serious simmers.

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@ [MortThe2nd
That would be the only reason for me to buy an Xbox X
Not that my current laptop ( i7, 1650 Q-max, 12 GB RAM , 1 TB SSD) is underperforming for me but it’s not top notch for FS2020.
Show-stopper would be if my current HOTAS ( Saitek X52pro) is declared to be non-compatible with XBOX X.

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