Since this issue is clearly a “bug” and not a GPU issue, anyone try fixing through installing Rex or other third party solution?
Does not seem to be a mistake. Maybe interesting for you if you have a GeForce 600, 700 or 900 GPU:
But I do not know if third parties (REX etc.) can help with this problem.
You’ll probably find you’re mixing anti aliasing. Check the nvidia control panel and turn off FXAA and then set the correct mode in the game configuration.
I am a REX user, and I have a GTX 680 2GB VRAM, before I could fly perfectly, now it doesn’t matter if the weather is from MSFS2020 or comes from REX, the error is the same: flashing clouds.
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Ugh…sorry to hear that, but appreciate the report. Was hopeful there was some alternate solution, while we tried to persuade the dev’s that this is a bug - and not a card issue.
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