Windows 11 Multiple Desktop freezing MSFS


Recently upgraded to windows 11- I see a box next to the search , virtual desktops. when I open for example, chrome for flight plans etc, I click to press the MSFS screen and its frozen. The only way i can unfreeze this is to open task manager and it comes alive again?

Any Recommendations?

Could you clarify, are you opening the chrome browser in a virtual desktop? If so, why?

I think the name of the Windows feature is ‘Multiple Desktops’ if I understand what you mean?

MSFS came out before these were added to the Windows desktop so it might be a bug or might just not be supported. It might be worth renaming your topic and then reporting it anyway, as people might think you mean Virtual PC’s and all that jazz.

Don’t use multiple desktops while gaming.

If your in msfs full screen, press the windows button to bring up your task bar and select whatever you want from the start menu, task bar shortcuts, etc.

Just know you can only do so many things at once, varies by system of course and some apps might crash msfs.

Thats what i thought. Howver when i open chrome from taskbat shortcut. It opens the browser and still freezes the sim. Its highly annoying