Windows 11 update

Is windows 11 a must-have for simmers (MSFS200/P3D/XPLANE11)? or Windows 10 will suffice?
Appreciate feedback

oops , meant windows 10

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Windows 11 is currently run at your own risk Insider Program/dev level.


To be fair the windows 11 dev build has been pretty awesome for me. I have only run into 1 really weird issue. It fixed all the weird stuttering I was having in Star Citizen and it even improved performance. I woke up today and brought my PC out of sleep and now Star Citizen runs like complete garbage and the GPU won’t boost over 1350 Mhz. It’s the only game I’ve played so far that does it. All others it boosts to 2100 no problem and runs super smooth.

Win 11 will be showing up on OEM computers in the fall, and the ugprade cycle from Win 10 likely won’t start happening until early next year. By the time Win 11 is ready for the masses, you can expect it to be reasonably stable. There SHOULD be no issues, although the possibility always exists.

Although if you’re happy with Win 10, there’s really no “must have” features for flight simming in Win 11. You’re free to continue using Win 10 until its EOL in 2025.




I’m not because it looks like Apple OS and I really don’t like it.

It does look good and I like that look as well. My laptop will likely get the upgrade first to take it for a test drive. Once I know all the kinks are worked out, I’ll do my desktop / gaming machine.

You can move it back to the left if you prefer.

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That’s good to know, thanks.

I assume it still auto hides? Although for some reason sometimes it won’t hide and sometimes it refuses to appear (windows 10). As long as alt tab works its fine.

Actually no taskbar at all might be nice. If I had a dollar for every time the task bar comes up to cover the reply button when trying to press reply…


it is definitely not required. I will say I have seen better load times and better frame rates with 11 installed. I’ve also beta tested every M$ OS since Vista and this is by far the smoothest I’ve experienced. I have legit not had to work around anything. Everything is just working–assuming you have the required hardware.

Ha, is that because it’s apple and you don’t like it because of that? Or is it the other way round? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Impossible to know unless someone has checked both version of windows with a fresh install, all the same apps installed and background processes going. Sure I read that all the things planned for the win11 full release are yet to be added which may change things.

Based on nothing but my opinion.
But I doubt we will see much if any difference between win10 and 11.

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the kernal is done. the work is going on polishing the shell.


Well…I’m certainly not an Apple evangelist! I’ve been brought up on Linux and PC Dos so MacOs is anathema to me. I find Apple’s OS very unintuitive so it’s down to me and my background I guess.

Debating signing up for the insider hub, and installing this.

Do we keep our programs and settings? Also is anybody here using it and encountered serious problems?

I would not touch W11 with a 10’ pole right now. I am stuck with only the Infineon TPM chip that has been hacked for years now. Total lack of foresight locking out people by requiring the use of a hacked security system.

YeAh, I understand. I’ve switched from PC to the apple ecosystem and, because of the promise of MSFS, back again. MacOS is in my view a great OS, but certainly not better than Win. In some points, especially window handling and task switching it is really behind Win. Never understood why they kept it that way.
On the other hand. I was able to sell my stuff for a great price. That’s the great advantage of apple machinery :grin:

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An irrefutable argument!

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