Winds and tropo in MCDU

In the FBW you can enter the winds in the MCDU. Climb en descent speaks for itself.

But which wind(s) do i enter for cruise? Lets say the cruise altitude is FL370 , do i input more then 1 for the flightlevel

And where on the flightplan do i find the TROPO, is it a set altitude?

Hi @PSVwally. I too greatly enjoy the FBW A320. As for Cruise Winds, there are several sets listed on the OFP since winds change all along a route. They help with planning for diverts or FL changes during a flight. Just enter the cruise winds for your enroute waypoints for your cruise FL. Descent winds are important since they are used for VNAV calculations to help determine the TOD point.

As for the TROPO value, I have not found where to obtain it since I don’t see it in the simBrief OFP.

Editted my Cruise Winds info above.

hi Sartanius. That’s why i asked :slight_smile:
I enter tlike climb winds, FL100, 150 200 310 350 and top of climb. Then one cruise wind and then 5 descent winds to FL100. But still TOD is like 100M before the runway and that’s to close coming from FL370 using the x3 rule. I can descent btw, but then i won’t hit the speeds or don’t have time and or miles enough to configure properly.
With like vatsim ATC they tell you when to descent and then it’s most of the time a bit easier. But on my own and not going down way to early is’t often more bit difficult in the a320 to do it on the spot and on time to hit all the right altitudes on the navigraph charts.

If you read the “Known Issues” at the FBW website for the Experimental Version you will see this is still a problem they are working on. You can use the EFB TOC calculator to estimate when you should start your descent. Enter a target altitude for your final altitude constraint on the STAR.

Use EZY for the OFP layout in Simbrief:-


On average, TODs are about 130 nm out of the destination. If ATC hasn’t cleared you yet at that point, just request a lower altitude yourself (decrease altitude by 10,000 feet) and as they clear you, you descent, and somewhere along the line ATC will clear you further just like it normally would and on time.

What I seem to notice is that prior to hitting the TOD point, asking for a vector to next waypoint from ATC seems to work quite well. I think that the ATC actively calculates your position and flight path, and hence updates its understanding of your TOD as well. I always do these and must say that they haven’t been off so much anymore.

Also, make sure that in the flight plan menu, you select the proper STAR and Approach for the Runway. Once you lock it in these, ATC won’t give you any suprises on the assigned runway and approach, including the vertical path.

Getting speeds and altitude right during phases of approach is by the way just difficult sometimes, in the real world it can be a bit of a struggle too sometimes. Don’t be shy to use those spoilers if you need them.

That’s an excellent tip, thanks @PalpableJoker18

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How do I update the tropo? I try doing temp/tropo, temp/ and /tropo but I constantly get format errors. No answere available on goole, I just keep getting routed here.