Hey guys. I’ve been watching a lot of Sam Van Breda’s videos on Youtube. He flies airliners into airports and does a lot of wing views, making it seem quite realistic. One of the factors that contributes to the realism is the (probably inadvertent) use of the 3rd flight replay system. When playing back, you can see that the cars on the ground all appear to be driving at 150mph, which is not realistic, but the wings (flex) and flight surfaces appear to be moving much quicker too, which contrasts to the speed at which the flight surfaces and wings move in the default simulator, which are in my opinion a bit too ‘lazy’. Not sure how many agree
Take a look at this video below and skip to the wing-view replay at around the 4 minute mark. Having flown in many 787s, 747s and A320s I can say that it really adds to that ‘passenger immersion’ effect. The same goes for many of his other videos since he started using the new replay feature (I’m not sure which tool he uses)
I wonder how Asobo would model quicker animation rates into the aircraft without it affecting performance characteristics?
There are two main replay programs out there right now as far as I know- and flight control surfaces, along with a couple of other nuances aren’t displayed properly yet. Fluttering or jitters, reversed control surfaces and cockpit states are just a few examples- so we work with what we have at the moment.
Not sure if I put my point across very well in my post. I know the replay features aren’t perfect and are still a work-in-progress, but this glitch has inadvertently made the wing flex look more realistic. That’s what I was getting at…
I use FlightControlReplay and while there are some issues with control surfaces in specific circumstances (I think mostly if you spawn the flight in mid air), generally all the control surfaces work and display as they should. You can see some examples here
Again, I think I’ve not quite gotten the point of my post across. I was saying that with the video I posted, the wing flex looks more realistic and it’s because of whatever replay system he was using. I was suggesting whether the real-time wing/control surface animations in FS2020 are too ‘slow’
With Sky Dolly you can seek to any location and start playback: the flight controls and surfaces (including light) are always correctly set, as recorded at this particular point in time.
With a cubic spline interpolation recording sample rates as low as 1 Hz still result in a smooth flight path. Perfect for airliners and saving on resources (CPU and RAM).
A comparison between various sample rates is available here:
Sorry - I was replying to the point made by Sage about the replay systems. Off topic and not helping.
I can’t say I’ve noticed the speed of the animations being too slow, but I’m a noob pilot with no flying experience at all. I did notice the wing shake in the CRJ, and thought it looked much more jittery than I’ve seen on other airliners. See 7.14 especially in this video (and also 1.00 and 2.12):
FCR is great but check again- Ailerons move in the opposite direction, at least in the jets I’ve flown. He said he was working on that and other enhancements but It’s been a few weeks since then.
To me that looks like a combination of the shaking that’s animated in the jet- which is completely normal, and the jitters in FCR. I think the jitters on the ground are a bit overdone in the CRJ, but the wings do jitter like that in the air, especially in rough air:-)
I don’t think it is FCR. If I get time, I’ll record something direct from the CRJ - you can see the wing bounce when taxiing - it looks a bit unrealistic, but it might be accurate, I don’t know
I think the opposite is true- at least for me- the control surfaces are more realistic in the sim, but replay goofs them up because they’re not fully-integrated into the programs yet.
Kind of working my way up to the CJ4 and the FBW A320. Managed to get the CRJ to land, which felt like a major achievement. Happy to let those mods mature even more while I finish my RTW trip in the TBM. It’s a doddle to fly compared to those beasts
I guess it’s perception. I know the spoilers are extended far too quickly upon landing in the video I posted. Probably the same with airliner flap extensions, which have always been notoriously fast on a lot of sims.
I’m commenting on all this without even having a PC to fly this thing on yet! I just drool over YouTube videos
I don’t know, I didn’t notice any difference, but I didn’t pay attention, between the live and the replay, but it’s possible, it’s worth a look. After all, since the beginning, there were discussions on this subject since the alpha, there was no flexibility of the wings, today there is some but I find them especially on the heavy still rigid, compared to my memories of the glance of the wings by the porthole during my voyages. Especially if we look at this video of airbus, we can see that the big ones have an impressive flexibility of the wings
Yea i m working on ailerons move better management and now jitter at the ground are reduced . I added a lot of other features but I ll announce soon on dedicated thread .
Thanks for appreciate my job with FlightControlReplay .
I m working closely with Asobo for help to fix his sdk and have always better experience with FlightControlReplay !