Can someone explain to me the differences in the four devices wing wing have made for the mcdu I mostly fly the a320 but its confusiing is there a generic one that does all the airlines.
WINWING Brand-New MIP Series Airline Panels - MCDU, PFP 3N, PFP 7, and PFP 4 deliver unmatched authenticity with full-scale structure, 28.5mm panel thickness, fully adjustable backlighting across panels and game sync support. Realistic light sensors adapt to cockpit lighting, while SimAppPro offers plug-and-play functionality. Designed for versatility with pre-drilled mounting holes compatible with authentic cockpit setups.
Also being from the UK before I ordered from uk store do you think this time would be better ordering form global store as people who ordered the efis got theres first from the globsl store while uk orders had to wait
I think if you order from the UK store, then the VAT is included.
For the A320 you’ll want the MCDU, although it currently only supports the Fenix, and NOT the other Airbuses (Asobo, FBW and iniBuilds), although I expect these will be added later. The other three Winwing panels are for Boeings - 737, 747 and 777.
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There isn’t a single device that supports all aircraft due to the differences between them. If you primarily fly Airbus aircraft, you should consider purchasing an MCDU. In the future, it’s likely that software such as Spadnext, AAO or Mobiflight will allow configuration of panels to work with both Airbus and Boeing aircraft.
Personally, I mostly fly Boeing 73x aircraft so I will definitely go for the PFP 3 or PFP 7.
I live in the EU, so I’ll choose an EU-based store even if I have to wait a bit longer. Why should I pay higher costs for shipping, taxes, and customs duties if I choose to buy from a global store? The money I save can be spent on something else.
FYI, when buying from a global store, keep in mind that the price in global store does NOT include TAX/CUSTOMS.
There is also at least one software option called SimBox that allows a user to use a phone or tablet for the FMC or MCDU. I have no affiliation, just a fan of the concept.
They have an native Android client (and maybe iOS too, unsure) and web client that uses some trickery to create a MCDU for the Fenix A320 and FlyByWire A32NX. It can also act as an FMC for the PMDG 737/777 and iFly 737 Max 8. Of course this lacks the physical buttons but makes up for that in versatility imo.
Streaming Display Mode displays PFP 3N (Panel of Flight Plan) data of any 737 aircraft from any game or professional simulation software running on the Windows platform, syncing in real-time with aircraft module data.
I saw a comment on a Winwing YouTube post that the Boeing panels were supposed to be compatible with all CDUs, subject to the labels potentially being incorrect (e.g., “VNAV” button on the 777 panel when used with a 737).
However, I’m watching XP72’s preview right now and the 737 panel was not recognized when he loaded into the PMDG 777. Not sure if that was user error on XP’s part, or if the community post comment above is just wrong.
Anyone in the US manage to pre-order one of these? I had planned to but had some family stuff come up unexpectedly this week and will have to wait a bit. That said, I cannot even get their website to load.
I spent two and a half hours on their kludgy site last night before I finally got it to go through. The process is kind of ridiculous - put the thing in your cart, place the order, then go find the order in your account and pay for it. If you don’t pay within 15 mins, it cancels it, which means a ton of refreshes to get the store to load, the cart to load, the payment screen to load, etc.
I did notice after losing two orders to the 15 minute timeout (because the payment screen was borked), that the third order was set to a 24-hour timeout, so maybe that was tacit acknowledgment that we needed more time. Anyway, was about to quit trying, but finally got it to go. Excited to use the new product (73N), but that’s not an experience I want to repeat. They really need to up their e-commerce game.
Sounds to me like your experience was much better than mine. I started the process last evening as well (US-East), and I literally spent hours running around in circles before I had to give up; I managed to get an MCDU and the one for the 737 in my cart and order in from Global site, but was constantly getting held up at payment (order is still there). Tried this AM and thought I’d try US site, and it was a struggle to just move forward with that. Two hours later, FINALLY got a confirmed pre-order. Now I’m trying to order a couple of the mounting clamps, which I had placed with the other items, but the payment would time out when it wouldn’t add in my default shipping address.
While I’m assuming all of this is happening due to heavy user traffic, still, it is somewhat frustrating, but at least I know I’m on the list.
I just tried to access the EU store site and got nothing but a blank page on my tablet.
Earlier today I was able to access the US store site for the firs time and actually placed a pre-order for the PFP 7 version, although I may end up canceling (for personal reasons unrelated to the product itself). ETA is 45 days.
I interacted with someone on Discord today who was able to preorder via the Global site, but holy heck the shipping charges listed were crazy - $35 to the U.S., versus about $7 from the US site.