Wobbling inside the cockpit with Meta Quest 3 + Steam Link?

How do I describe my problem?
I tested Meta Quest 3 with SteamLink. Everything worked smoothly. The only thing is that the view wobbles inside the cockpit when I moved sideways.

I’m pretty much new in the VR business, so bear with me.

My spec: i7-12700k + Geforce 4800 + 32 GB RAM + Win11 + 5 Ghz WLAN

Yes i see it to with the quest 3. My reverb G2 gives no “wobbling” but some stutters when i view to the left or right. So maybe steam link does some in between renders…The effect looks the same as if when you activated the Asynchronous Spacewarp (ASW) in steam or in the oculus tool. So maybe it is less when you deactivated that effect in steam (or Oculus tool). With your CPU set also Off screen terrain pre caching on high or ultra in the sim.
I try’ ed with a link cable also and that is a little better, I dont have virtual desktop. So cannot try that if that is better or not.

Ok, Quest Link + Cable solved this problem! :slight_smile: