Working Title CJ4 0.8.3 - Open Beta - RNAV, LPV, VNAV, FADEC - v1.12.13.0 compat

Ok yea I figured that would be one of the easiest ways. Just wondered if there was a way to get rid of the discontinuities before take off. Just my OCD seeing them.

You can do the paste before take-off but it may give you a goofy path. The discontinuity is there as a good reminder that you need to tend to your plan as vectors after take off will be unpredictable. In the real world there may be traffic issues or weather issues that would dictate different vectors each time you take off from the same runway with the same destination

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Thread updated to reflect that v0.8.1 has been released. See the links at the top of the thread, or
here it is:


Hey Matt, first off, thanks for all your work on this project! Such a huge improvement. Here is a screenshot of what I was referring to:

Currently if you wanted to intercept the legs between PIMIE and BOI to rejoin the airway, there is no way to do that. Moving a waypoint to the magenta “TO” fix will just go present position Direct to it. You should be able to move a waypoint to the blue “From” waypoint (would then work like a Garmin “Activate Leg” procedure). But currently it gives an “UNABLE MOD FROM WPT” message.

I seem to recall something in the release notes about future plans to implement the INTC CRS function when doing a direct to (R6 LSK), so maybe it could be worked into a part of that build? Guessing it is a matter of working around the default flight plan engine.

Also, with all the VNAV work, any plans to implement the VNAV window option? (under DISPL MENU) Would be useful to see what the FMS is calculating as the vertical speed required for a crossing restriction, as well as the time until reaching the TOD.

You can clear all discontinuities except for after a vectors leg, because by definition it’s a leg without FMS guidance and it knows you’ll be receiving ATC instructions. There are two ways of getting rid of them, if you don’t intend to fly the vectors leg: you can delete the vectors fix or you can drop a fix further along the plan into the vectors fix.


I definitely misread your first message, so my apologies! Yes, currently you cannot modify the from fix to rejoin or intercept a leg. As you saw, INTC CRS is on the list, and FROM Waypoint Edit is definitely on the list as well.

As for VNAV displays, adding VNAV information like the TOD to LEGS and FMS TEXT is probably next up, but I’ll take a look at the VNAV Window option as well and see what is involved.



Hello. Can anyone post a good printable checklist of the CJ4?
Thank you all

Does this mod address fuel consumption issues with the CJ4?

Yes it does. We have a custom fuel flow model based on the correct specific fuel consumption and ram drag vs mach curves. You should see fuel flows that are basically right at book values.



Is there a way to change the Course needle? I spin the knob but nothing happens. I am tuned to a VOR not a LOC. It shows me the needle and my deviation, but I want to select an inbound or outbound course.

Hello everyone,
for me the VS in the mod does not work. Every time i want to change the VS the plane gets out of control. VS directly goes to maximum speed and does not stop climbing or decending at the ALT I selected.

Any one else have the same issue, or an idea to solve the problem ?
I have already reinstalled the plane and the mod

VS speed is a selected vertical speed you choose in feet per minute. You must control the throttles to not overspeed in descent or stall in climb. If you go too far out of the autopilot parameters it will disengage itself and will not capture desired altitude.
click the VS button and use the scroll wheel next to it to choose a +VS or a -VS, then throttle up or down as to keep the aircraft under speed control

There’s a sim bug currently that affects all planes where sometimes clicking knobs with the mouse causes them to continue turning at a high rate. Our recommendation is to use the mouse wheel to avoid this if you encounter it. You can usually get it to stop if you click another knob or the like.

I get it a bunch in the sim and it is an irritating one.


If you’re on 0.8.0, update to 0.8.1 and that should fix the issue. There was an issue reported on 0.8.0 that prevented the CRS knob from working in certain scenarios.


Thanks a lot, looks like using the mouse wheel works well for me.

I use v 0.8.1 and had the issue.

Will use mousewheel for future and hope issue does not return.

When everythink works this mod is amazing. Finaly i can use a second plane, not only FBW A32nx. :smiley:

I first encountered this bug when I started using my new Honeycomb yoke. Before that I never had that issue. Problem is, the Honeycomb yoke is also why I need to click knobs with the mouse rather than using the mouse wheel due to the “increment by ten” bug that is also triggered by that yoke. So there does not seem to be a good workaround at the moment.

I have 0.8.0. Downloading 0.8.1 now and will install after current flight!

That did the trick, thanks!

Love to see it.

Did my first flight with 0.8.1 and I’m not gonna fly any other MSFS airplanes anymore until the rest of them catch up. What an AMAZING job you folks have done. It’s a real joy to fly this aircraft now.