I’ve only had a few days under my belt with this aircraft but it is absolutely brilliant. For those who want a very well simulated FMS, autopilot and navigational capabilities, not to mention great performance, grab this. For these things, IMHO,it is the best in the sim at the moment. Well done!
TheCorporatePilotDad just released a video yesterday covering everything you need to know about the Working Title CJ4, but were afraid to ask. He covers it all:
I think his are the best tutorials. Just my 2 cents.
Dont forget this great explanation:
Yes, is take around 2h but then you are really ready for take off )
MSFS 2020 | TUTORIAL: How to fly the Working Title Cessna Citation CJ4 | Complete Lesson - YouTube
Could you point me to a link for the latest version, & also, the WT CJ4 should go in the Community folder?
In the Aircraft Selection part of MSFS Scenario Set Up, do the Asobo CJ4 & the WT CJ4 both appear?
Here ya go. LINK
Yes, it goes in the community folder. No, it sits atop of the standard CJ4, in other words you will only see one CJ4 in the game.
This has become my go-to jet and it’s all because of Working Title’s amazing work. I find myself doing a lot more short hops, and flying into smaller fields that I never would have gone to before.
Just following up here and I happen to be watching this now!
Being a single-pilot focused jet, it’s a great blend of automation, things like FADEC, automatic heated windscreen, and other features that make it easy to fly as sole pilot. Also, manual functions like still needing to mind throttles as there is no autothrottle. The Collins ProLine avionics suite is pretty straightforward but can require a little learning for folks not familiar with it. 450kts TAS cruise and 106kts approach highlight how good the wing on this Cessna is.
I love the little touches like including ground power selection, weight calculations and v-speeds as well as Route import from SimBrief from within the FMC. Also, the simulated cabin announcements adds to the immersion.
Thanks for that.
I find the Github pages a bit hard to fathom, with their various file references.
I found this, is v0.9.1 the latest version??
No, get 0.10.2. That is the latest. Release cj4-v0.10.2 · Working-Title-MSFS-Mods/fspackages · GitHub
Got it, thank you.
I D/L & installed & now testing, but can’t get LNAV to lock on to the Flight Plan magenta line.
I used the AP in the top panel & set ALT, VS & when flying down the magenta line, hit AP & NAV [for LNAV].
However, the aircraft flies straight on when the FP turns.
Am I missing another setting somewhere?
I don’t use the FMC.
Should NAV work without the FMC being used?
(I set the flight as an IFR Low Altitude ilo VFR/GPS, perhaps that is the issue? )
Apparently not. I reset the flight VFR/GPS & still couldn’t capture the magenta line. I noticed that when I press the NAV button several times that it cycles through ROLL, LNAV, NAV & Blank )
It is the most realistically simulated airplane in the sim right now… period. It has a custom flight model, sound set, and they continue to work towards bringing all real-world functionality to the jet. The team consists of real-world CJ pilots… it is a gem and truly approaching payware quality.
For anything with advanced nav and FMC, 100% agree. Interesting to hear the FlyByWire team have met and collaborated with Working Title folks for a modular function to add to the A32NX. proves there IS capability in the SDK and this is using the stock autopilot. It’s collaboration and open development like this that will grow the realism-based aircraft on the platform.
I understand that the team working on the A220 mod has also requested permission to use the WT FMS. Another testimony to the really wonderful open collaboration and sharing among the mod teams.
The WT AP system is by far the most complex and advanced available in MSFS currently. With even more advanced features in the pipeline.
Well done Working Title developers!
I just want to chip in and say that thi mod is brilliant. I am 19 hours in to my first ever Sim experience in MSFS, even I knew that things weren’t right before this mod. Is there a donate option anywhere?
Question for those more experienced. I try to program my flights in the FMS directly, but often I will get discontinuity inserted in the legs. Normally I can just copy a later leg up over the discontinuity and carry on, but sometimes I can not and the NAV just stops.
Case in point, I’m trying my second ever ILS approach (in to de Gaulle) and just after the transition from LORNI there is a discontinuity labelled “Vect”. Now, I assume there is a point to this but for love nor money I couldn’t copy-paste overwrite that Vect discontinuity until it was the active leg.
Can someone explain this discontinuties to me - why they appear, what to do with them?
Help appreciated and, very much, thanks again to the devs.
Hi @captainspank777
May I also suggest the WT CJ4 Discord Channel especially the Guides section.
Hi ,i have just realised why the msfs version cj4 was not acting like the tutorial vids i was watching. The working title was a mod…i now have, in my download folder, extracted but not installed, i was hoping for a ? Read me file on How to install, could you please advise
if it is in your community folder, it is installed. If you dont know about https://www.simbrief.com/ now is the time, it will make life so much easier for you.
If you go the Simbreif route be sure to import this profile in to your account so that you get correct weights etc for the CJ4… Create an account first, its free.
Would you happen to know how to open the main door…have looked everywhere?