Working Title CJ4 v0.12.12 Released

It might have something to do with todays sim update.

OK, thank you.

Working Title just released updates for the CJ4, G1000 and the G3x.

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WoW! That was quick, thank you for the heads up. I’ll give it a shot later tonight. Really great what the group is putting out!

Will this come to Xbox to ? I hope so

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I have WT CJ4 v0.12.8 inside my community folder. When I attempt a Cold Start and switch the Battery on and Avionics Switch to “Dispatch” I get NO displays to come on (i.e FMC, Avionics). They are simply blank. I try the CTRL-E and the engines start up but still NO DISPLAYS. Can someone please help. I haven’t flown this ACFT for quit a while but when I did, I could do a cold start and everything would work fine.

Suggest trying again with the Asobo livery or any one of the working livery listed in the WT Discord.

The latest version is 0.12.11. You might want to consider upgrading.

I need some advice in regards to takeoffs and landings, with any kind of crosswind. On takeoff, the CJ4 is so twitchy, and add in any crosswind and I’m swerving left and right down the runway on takeoff. Same with landings…and any crosswind. My approach and touchdown are perfect but once I’ve landed, back to swerving left and right while I slow down.

This afternoon, I landed with a 12knot crosswind and after touchdown, I was literally holding full right rudder and was barely able to keep it on the runway…almost going off one side…Between takeoffs and landings, and any crosswind, it feels more like paper airplane pushed all over the place then a real plane, with mass.

I’ve tried dialing down sensitivity on my rudder pedals but it doesn’t seem to help. Anyone have any tips?

This is being addressed in the Sim. If you listen to the last developer Q&A session you will hear all about it. The sim is still under heavy development and we can expect some good progress this year by the sounds of it. It is a WIP that is headed in the right direction … pun intended.

Yeah I had this problem too, only way to fix it is to turn on auto-rudder in the piloting assists options.

Hello apologize if this is not the place to ask this - however for some reason after selecting the default CJ4 in MSFS i can not get the working title mod to show…it had worked previously and have tried i think everything - deleting and inserting latest WT folder in the community folder (ensured no separate livery folders in there as well) rebooted many times…just cant get it to show up in the cockpit! thanks!

Did you insert the folder inside the download?

Yes thank you - of course as soon as I posted this - it showed up :slight_smile: Thank you kindly for the response!


I have version of MS2020 and the latest Working title CJ4 but I when I press the NAV button the plane does not follow route and it goes on a different course also when I press the APP button to prepare for GS and ILS intercept the plane seems to go in another direction and doesn’t follow course. Anyone else have this issue?


Do you have the correct course display on the PFD? Should be a magenta line. There are 3 modes and I suspect you may have VOR selected rather than GNS - sorry, updating at the moment so I can’t check a screenshot.

thanks for your reply, I will check it out next time I get a chance to play fs2020.

Mod Edit: the following posts were in the SU9 Beta Thread incorrectly posted. They were moved to Production WT CJ4 Master Thread.

Just completed a CJ4 flight with no problems for a change!

First, prepared a F/P in SimBrief then exported it to Little Navmap. From there imported it into MSFS.
In the aircraft from the IDX page go to flight planning link (can’t remember it but top right on 2nd page) and load the F/P from SimBrief. Check the various legs etc are okay and away we go. I input to both the sim and the aircraft to ensure the game ATC knows what I’m doing, just programming the FMS doesn’t seem to work reliably.

As usual given a very late RNAV Approach but after ignoring the discontinuities and using “Direct” got the aircraft to follow the correct path. Only the VNAV didn’t work, but that was pilot error; forgot to set the final target altitude!

Just love this aircraft now I’m learning how to use the systems properly!

Edit: I don’t use Betas, still on SU8.

Are you running it in SU9?

No, as mentioned in my post I’m still on SU8. I read that the WT CJ4 is not compatible with SU9beta.

Sorry, don’t get the point about this being the beta section of the forum.