Working Title G1000 NXi Discussion Thread

I just flew into EGPE (Inverness) on the ILS 05 ULLAP transition and everything was perfect for me. No issue whatsoever.

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Me too.
I flew RJFS(Saga) RNAV 29, RJFT(Kumamoto) RNAV Z25, Y25.
Everything was perfect for me.
Smooth transition from VNAV descent to RNAV GP.
RNAV tracking with the G1000 NXi is great!

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Something’s not quite right. I tried the same approach again with the NXi, exact same procedure as with the regular G1000 in the post just above (#280).

I set the ILS frequency, switched CDI to LOC1 and hit APR just after passing CI05, and well before passing FI05. It looked fine initially, but it turned out to be offset. The plain G1000 was so accurate that it would’ve been fine to use below 100 ft AGL (even if that’s never actually done).

Exact procedure:

Cessna 172, starting at EGVZ RW21, no destination set on world map
FPL, enter flight plan: EGVZ RW21 to EGPE RW05
PROC, select approach: ILS 5 / INS, Load? → ENT
PFD: set Wind option 3 + HSI map
Take off, then HDG+FLC to climb high enough to follow the flight plan safely
Use time compression to travel the straight leg to INS
Stop time compression, set 2700 ft and arm VNAV prior to TOD
Wait until CI05; set ILS 108.50 in both NAV radios, change CDI to LOC1, arm APR
Wait until it’s offset and disconnect to correct the course manually (just after taking the last screenshot).

There’s seem to be some difference between your display and mine. When on LOC the needles are showing as green in mine but magenta in your display.

Not sure if you are having some other mods in your community or something else that is causing that?

Also CRS is 51 º in mine and 56 º in your display.

Yo, Working Title.
It’s not your mod that causes the Autopilot death spiralling on Xbox.

I was able to replicate the issue, maybe you can pass it on ? I have zero mood to write a bug report.

When zoomed in on an instrument view. Pressing left Stick on controller to leave the steering control of the aicraft with the controller and entering to cockpit interaction mode. It doesn’t work when in a close up instrument view. Stick is still controlling the yoke which it should not. Turns off the AP because of yoke movement, planes goes into death spiral because of moving around the left stick to edit switches in cockpit and simultaneously the ■■■■ thing still turns the yoke in funny directions.

I have now made myself some custom views that are far enough from the intsruments that this does not happen and I can still see them.

maybe you can pass it on to the relevant department.

If they cant replicate it, I can make them a video.

outta here for now.

It’s not your mod at fault, however, cheers.

Been finding it really tricky to get consistent ILS or RNAV approaches working. I maybe get 1 in 5 working correctly.
Everything from GS or GP not being captured, to the LOC failing to capture despite green needles and all.
Pretty much the range of issues being reported here.

So I went back to the stock G1000 to test things, using the same routes that were causing my issues.

Test #1 - EGQK to EGPE ILS 23 via INS…. perfect approach again. Yay!
Test #2 - EGPE to EGPF ILS 23 via GOW… CTD a mere 6 miles after takeoff :unamused:

Man, SU5 does test your patience sometimes :face_with_raised_eyebrow:.
Back to the NXI? At least my sim has been stable with that!

Try this. When on the intercept angle - switch from HDG to NAV - wait for localizer alignment and you are on final approach course - then activate APR. Make sure that you are below the GS. It should capture. Not sure if it works like this IRL, but works for me. WT team is aware of the issue, I think.

Thanks WT. I love the progress on G1000 NXI.
After update to 0.3.0 I’ve tested the LPV approaches including VNAV to FAF and the APP mode. → works with no problems (no CTD and no freeze anymore).
But for me VNAV to ILS approach (vector) does still cause AP to pitch up at the last VNAV waypoint (before reaching FAF).
Is it only fixed for LPV approaches?
Does anyone else also still have the AP problem with VNAV shortly before entering an ILS approach?

Other than that → I love this update.

Any way to check distance to final destination? Flight plan only shows distance between waypoints, not cumulative.

Not at the moment, but I am sure it will be coming soon. I also miss that.

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Happy to say that with the latest release, my CTDs and long pauses have gone when using this add-on. Well done chaps. Looking forward to seeing more of the buttons going live. :smiley:

so you have zero mood to log a ticket, but you want someone else to do your work? Hmmmm…

I downloaded/installed and test-flew the updated G1000 NXi this afternoon. The good news is that it didn’t crash my sim. (Or at least, it hasn’t yet.) I tested it on two flights. taking off from Watsonville both times. On the first, I flew to Monterey for ILS approach to RWY 10R. I set up the flight plan in the World Map. In the cockpit before taking off, I set NAV1 to the LOC frequency, reviewed the flight plan and loaded the approach in the MFD – after successfully deleting the needless hold at ZEBED. I tried to activate the ILS approach at MINCK, the interesection where with the stock G1000 the AP always captured the glideslope, and…no luck. The AP failed to respond. (I also hit the CDI to switch from GPS to LOC. The green arrow came up 90 degrees off the runway heading. Fortunately, however, the AP didn’t deviate from it.) It seems that others here have apparently gotten the NXi to do ILS, and even though I’ve read their posts, I’m still clueless. What’s the trick?

For my second test flight, I took off from Watsonville for an RNAV/VNAV approach to RWY 31 at Salinas – RNVAV (GPS) Z RWY 31; an LNAV/VNAV approach. The VNAV worked from 5,900 ft. at JECCO down to 5,000 at GIPVY, 14.7 NM from the runway and the last intersection on the approach plate, after which there wasn’t any more vertical guidance. I manually reduced altitude in the autopilot while it continued to follow the GPS arrow to the runway, finally disengaging it at around 400 ft. (the decision altitude was 428 ft.) and hand-flying the G36 the rest of the way in. Given that the last intersection with vertical guidance was at 5,000 ft. (unless I missed something) this probably wasn’t the best test of the NXi’s RNAV capability. I’ll have to give Albany to Manchester a try next.

Auto slew not yet implemented. Use CRS knob to align the CDI with runway heading. ILS still guides correctly in APR, verified at both full ILS (LOC + GS) and LOC only approaches at different fields.

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I have to say just one more time, the NXi has really changed how I feel about flying glass panel aircraft. The C182T is now a joy to fly.

Flew up to Petaluma this evening (O69) just south of Santa Rosa. It is great fun to be able to add and delete waypoints, or decide to fly the RNAV instead of flying a 100% visual approach. Enter the changes, follow the procedure, it’s really fun and adds dimension to MSFS that was missing before.

The Livermore pass still looks like Santa’s Village, but that’s for another thread! :slight_smile:

Just coming up on the Monterey Bay

Santa’s Village in the distance…

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Where’s the CRS knob?

How can I assign a Keyboard or H.O.T.A.S command to CDI?
on default G1000 I used the toggle GPS/NAV1 command, now this is not working anymore, and CDI soft key is required. Thanks.

It guides correctly without touching the CRS knob, correct?
Not sure why it’s failing for me every time (posts above). Stock G1000 works at the same airport and approach, so it’s not bad data in the AIRAC or similar.

Use your eyes. There are only that many rotary knobs beside the HDG Knob.
One is the CRS Knob.

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Is there a way for the G1000NXi to always start in ‘North Up’ mode ?