Hi, I am not sure if audio is part of this NXi project or part of the aircraft config, however, I have noticed that both NAV and COM volume knobs are not functioning (not even displaying current volume lvl while rotating knobs). Tested on the default Cessna 172 Skyhawk (G1000 version) and Bonanza G36. The other G1000 mod (not NXi) works just fine. It’s not a big deal, just reporting in case you guys are planning to fix it at a later stage!
Using the MFD and Menu, I am unable to enter an Airway. The airway menu comes up, but I am unable to select it or change it.
Yes I’m very interested. I have them both open in notepad but I have no I dea which lines to modify.
Help greatly appreciated.
Ok, if you’re keen to do this yourself, first save backups of the 2 files. Then in pfd.js search for “!isBushtrip”, You should find it at line 50973 in the May 22 code. Comment it by adding “//” at the start. Find the closing bracket for the section (line 51027, note the indentation is the same as that on 50973) and comment out. Save the file and repeat for FlightPlanAsoboSync.js - the section in question is near the start and I’ll leave you to find it. Once you’ve made the changes start the sim, start or continue a bush trip with a G1000 equipped aeroplane and you should be in business. For anyone that doesn’t fancy changing the code themselves, there’s a flightsim.to download that does the work for you. It is interesting to take the diy approach though
Thank’s for that.
Gonna give it a crack and see what’s what.
After all what’s the worst that can happen, right?
Or you can just load the .PLN file from the Bush Trips -they’re in the Mission folders in the sim, and load those at the World Map screen.
Couldn’t find the ‘’FlightPlanAsoboSync.js’ file but I found the
MFD.js file in the Official folder.
I found the appropriate lines and commented them out as instructed and it worked.
I now have full FP capabilities on all bush trips in all planes.
Any of you who may have left SU10 and gone back to SU9 had issues with the NXI?
I’ve left the beta and I can’t now change detail/declutter levels in the NXI map. The Detail button does nothing.
Possibly because you have installed the NXi that comes with SU10, and that didn’t get reverted. I still have the version for SU9 if you need it.
I’ve reinstalled all my marketplace stuff after leaving SU10. So it’s the regular none-SU10 version.
Thanks for the offer, but this is on Xbox anyway.
That’s fine. All the same, when I get home I will check the version number I have. There’s no harm in checking.
So according to this post on the WT Discord, 0.12.2 is the non-Beta version, and 0.14.0 is the SU10 Beta version:
is the YouTube video specifically using the G1000 NXi? If so, what version?
Yes 12.2 is what I now have installed.
Interestingly the NXI is only broken on the planes I flew in SU10.
I tried the Bonanza and the NXI detail button worked, because I’d not flown the plane in SU10.
At 9:40 he is using the G1000 NXi trainer, and not our NXi. Our NXi does not presently support along track offset VNAV targets.
ok, problem solved @ZappyDiamond966
Many thanks, indeed it is not your NXI.
My apologies.
I encountered an issue today with the WT G1000 NXi. I tested this in both the default C172, and the DA40 with mrtommymxr mod, both had the same result.
In the world map I create an IFR Low Altitude flight plan, KSNA to KSBA using ANAHM1 departure and VOR 25 into KSBA, set altitude in navlog to 6000ft. I didn’t manually change any waypoints. In both aircraft, the flight plan did not load into the G1000.
I am using the latest 0.12.2 from the Marketplace. The only mod in my community folder is the DA40 mod. I have the UK2000 3rd party version of KSNA.
I did some flights over the past weekend with the same configuration (but to different destinations) without any issues.
Did some more testing on this and it looks like it is a problem with the ANAHM1 departure from KSNA. I tried other departures from KSNA to KSBA and they transferred fine to the G1000.
I also tried KSNA to KPRB with the ANAHM1 departure (uses a different transition) and the problem still existed.
Perhaps someone else could check this to verify?
I’ve been able to duplicate the problem.with two different aircraft. I removed the G1000Nxi and the same flight plan worked with the stock G1000. I also suspect something with the ANAHEIM SID.but I’m not sure what. The SID starts with vectors to SLI. Usually a DISCONTINUITY is inserted for the vectors instruction. The stock G1000 uses a direct course for vectors instead of a DISCONTINUITY. I’ve never seen the G1000 Nxi completely not load a flight plan… Definitely a bug.
Thank you for verifying. I should mention that I also tested with the ‘standard’ G1000 and it loaded the flight plan just fine in the DA40 and default C172.
Perhaps the discontinuity in the departure is part of the issue? Although I tried the MUSEL8 departure which has vectors as part of the procedure, and that loaded no problem.