Having a strange first-time issue with G3000 WT mod (7.6) in the TBM 930. The MFD map display (center display) is locking up. Switching to traffic or weather and then back to map will update the map position, but it still doesn’t move with aircraft. All other displays work. This is the 3rd flight after the update and the other 2 went OK. Is anyone having this issue or know a way to resolve it? Perhaps it has something to do with the recent update? Any information or suggestions would be appreciated.
Just a note, the latest version is 0.7.6a so just double check that first.
Interesting. On the Working Title website the version shown is (v0.7.6) which I have been using for a while. Do you know where I can find the v0.7.6a? Thank you for the information!
They may not have updated the filename when they did a quick point release, but in AddOn Linker, the version is shown as 0.7.6a.
I’m guessing if you download from the WT site and install it, you should be confident it’s the latest. One of the files in the install directory should have the version number listed. I can’t remember if there’s a readme file or not. I’m not in front of my PC.
So, I downloaded the latest file from WT website, but I don’t think it is v0.7.6a as the readme.md and changes.md files both say it is v0.7.6.
Any information on where to go to get the v0.7.6a version would be appreciated. I don’t know if it has anything to do with the MFD locking up, but I would like to have the latest version.
Well, now I’ll have to check again on my PC when I’m home. I’m stumped.
Wow. Thank you. The manifest file on that one is v0.7.6a indeed. Different from the website. Folder size is different as well. They must not have updated the website.
The only bad thing is that it has been out since October 26th and I have had a lot of flights since then and never had the MFD lockup until today so it’s probably not my issue. I will install that though a take another flight and see how it goes. Hoping it was just a one-off glitch.
Thank you again for finding that.
I had the same issues in the past and can reproduce it.
If I use the standart VFR Map from the simulator, it can cause lock ups.
If you use this VFR Map, please use it flight path following. I saw, that the VFR Map is in static view a pain.
Another problem can come from the G1000. If you have it not installed or updated, please try that as well.
Good luck and stay safe.
Can you point out what differences you’re seeing?
Before folks get too deep into this, I pulled both the Aero (website) version and the Github Version - paths below:
Unzipped Folder Sizes:
Github Manifest File
Aero Manifest File
If you check the link on my post above, there was an update on Github that fixed the annunciator issues, and it was called 0.7.6a. Maybe it wasn’t from the official WT Github repository, and maybe another developer released this as a fix?
I’ve been made aware of a Fork request by a Non Working Title Developer by the name of Nezz. S/he apparently has an A and B variant now. My recommendation is to inquire with them if it’s related to their fork.
Otherwise, I would revert to Working Title 0.7.6 (no Letters) per the links I posted above.
Thanks for the info. The G1000 NXi was up to date. I’ve now done 4 flights with the TBM since the lockup and haven’t had the issue reoccur. Perhaps just a fluke on that particular flight. I am using v0.76a now although I don’t know if that was the issue or not. I do like the annunciators not going crazy on startup with 76a compared to 76. I also haven’t read anything about anyone else having an issue with MFD lockups so that points to a fluke event as well.
Got it. That explains why it is not on the official WT website. Just to be clear, my lockup was with 0.7.6 not 0.7.6a, but so far the lockup was just a one-time thing for me and I don’t believe there is any issue with the WT G3000. Thank you for the information.