World Map Colors all wrong

After the World Update 12 in Feb when I open World Map to choose an airport, the globe colors are all swirled like a gumball, green swirls with red sun spots. Ive googled this symptom with no other complaint. I dont currently run any mods, and when this happened my game was still vanilla as far as any alterations. Everything else works as it did. the other microsoft updates had no effect to restoring our good earth back to bing map colors…
Anyone else have this issue?
How do you reinstall for this issue. ( I would have posted sooner but Microsoft wouldnt let me!!!)

Thank you

I think what you are describing is the nighttime effect? (But I could be wrong) Does it change when you adjust the time of day slider, and zoom in?

No sir, no change to the color. However i can see the sun light spin around the globe.

Isn’t that just the wind overlay?


So here i’ve zoomed in to look for parking spaces! Once im in my aircraft everything is in living color and just wonderful.

The weather doesn’t change my globe, however it works fine while flying. Just to make sure i changed it to clear skies while still in globe view, no change. Its just the globe view that’s corrupt.

can anyone replicate this? If so then I know its a setting somewhere…which would be just great because its really annoying.

Also, this is a brand new computer running win 11 and MSFS2020, its only for flying.

BigCow 74 - Thankyou!!
Just by accident i hit the MORE button from this screen just now, i didn’t know about this menu so i don’t understand how it got set to begin with, but the setting was WIND EFFECT. It was set to HIGH.

What would one use this setting for?

… ohh and thanks microsoFt for that nice users manual so we don’t waste weeks chasing a simple switch that got flipped, especially when we don’t know it exists…


The settings on the world map are just for the world map view.
It allows for a visual on wind, rain etc.
It does not change anything in flight.

Not sure how those buttons along the bottom could be not seen, specially the help one.

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oh ok. thanks. I didnt say i didnt know about the buttons, i just never needed to go into the MORE menu. Ya learn somthin’ every day eh