World map? For what...!?

I am not even sure I fully understand the original post, but I for one would like the old FS9 or FSX interface back, where I could save a flight as my default and the sim would simply start with that flight.
Aircraft cold and dark, parked at the gate and current weather. :smiley::smiley:

I had one flight, aptly named “last flight” that I would overwrite each sim session at the end. And it worked for a total of 6 years
.never having to go back into the start flight menu.
Of course in those sims you could change your aircraft at that stage
.with just a few clicks. Then a few more clicks load a .pln file for your flight plan and then go flying.

Can I get that back ??

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he can’t use it so no-one else should be able to.

Right, got it.

I don’t think that’s what the OP meant!

He’s making the points that:

  • Several MSFS Marketplace aircraft require a Navigraph subscription in order to use the FMC properly, or import a flightplan from Simbrief because the aircraft isn’t compatible with the MSFS World Map flightplan format.

  • All aircraft available on the MSFS Marketplace should be compatible with the MSFS World Map flightplan format as well as Navigraph/Simbrief.

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Yeah that’s not how I read it at all. He’s saying “why is there if many planes can’t use it”. He wants to use it.

We’re all arguing for the same thing.

This is exactly what I understood the OP to mean as well. I don’t have Navigraph (at the moment) but I have been known to input the flightplan into the world map and then wrote down way points to put into the FMC. Sure, it’s not 100% authentic, and time consuming, but does work for the most part. Heck, FS doesn’t even know which way the winds blowing half the time.

I’d love to see this as well. I’m sure though, that there is a valid reason why some of the high tier addon aircraft don’t, it would be nice to know why.

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I think we should just wait until the OP comes back to clarify instead of speculating.

i recall hearing a long time ago that kind of was the intention. It also somewhat puts the kibosh on the “is MSFS a game or simulator” debate because as a platform, it can be used as both

This MSFS Pilot would like the World map fixed, especailly the save & load functions.

ie Make a FP in world map.
Save it as a .pln.
Then load that .pln back into world map, and the FP has changed

And user waypoints are a jumbled format mess, across all the flight planning programs.

What is even more upsetting, is to hear from WT, that there are “No Plans” to fix these issues in the “Working Title
Word map”

An atlas and sextant

Hello @N6722C,

Have you submitted a bug report for this issue (or upvoted an existing report if someone else already created it)?

I use the World Map to create flight plans and save and load .pln files all the time and have never experienced what you are describing here myself. I have seen some occasional reports where user waypoints in .pln files can sometimes become distorted if using Navigraph (custom waypoints all go to to the North Pole), but that is an add-on issue and is normally fixed by updating Navigraph to the latest version rather than being a bug with the World Map itself.


If you

(1) Make an IFR flight plan in the world map, with user waypoints, and then save it .(as say FP1,pln) . then FLY, that entered FP works.

(2) If start again and go to World Map, and LOAD that saved FP, (FP1.pln) and try to fly, the user waypoints are “at the North Pole”

(3) If you start and go to World Map, and load that saved FP, (FP1.pln), and then save it as FP2.pln – and compare the FP1.pln & FP2.pln FILES, they are significant differences.

ie The save/load process in World map, changes the Flightplan.

Hello @N6722C,

I just tested your steps above and could not re-create the issue. I did the following:

  1. Created an IFR flight plan from KSEA to CYVR from the World Map. I added two custom waypoints. One is a handcrafted POI (Space Needle), and the other is a random location that isn’t denoted with a POI marker (Microsoft HQ in Redmond).
  2. Saved this as fp1.pln
  3. Clicked “Fly” and started the flight.
  4. Exited back to the World Map and re-loaded fp1.pln.
  5. Saved a new flight plan (same as above) as fp2.pln.
  6. Exited MSFS and restarted. Loaded fp2.pln. The flight plan loaded normally and was identical to fp1.pln.

Screenshot of fp1.pln:

Screenshot of fp2.pln after closing and re-launching the sim:

If you see custom waypoints going to the North Pole, that is almost certainly caused by using a version of Navigraph that requires an update. Please try temporarily disabling Navigraph and seeing if you still experience this issue.


Thanks for doing that reproduced test 
 That’s going far and beyond what I expected. :+1:

I typically keep navigarph updated, but I will try again

(1) Without navigraph loaded
(2) With the latest version of navigraph

will report back

You can have both actually. You can develop creatively but staying within some guidelines. If you allow lots of different devs to re-invent the wheel multiple different ways then it becomes very messy. The way for both to happen is to improve the capabilities of what the SDK can do in those areas that are considered lacking. Sometimes it’s possible even now and the dev chooses not to.

It’s pretty clear actually. The bit about needing Navigraph in a few months for all was a dig at the way the OP perceives things are going if left unchecked. They want to be able to use the world map and are frustrated at not being able to do that on all aircraft.

Centralization of development is equal to a monopoly, it won‘t lead to any improvements or further development as ling as there is no financial need. We‘re currently seeing this at Eagle Dynamics, the dev of DCS World. They have taken over all weapon development and only give out what they did. The consequence are several totally messed up missiles that turn matured and popular aircraft pointless and harmless. The R-33 missile has been ruined for years and now the Phoenix has lost its capabilities, Heatblur can‘t do anything but point at ED. With Microsoft being in charge for ALL the sole development of flight characteristics and stuff we‘d be stuck with a sim that shines in trailers and that‘s it. Exactly what we have right now minus the avionic updates. If it wasn‘t for developers who ignore and circumvent these limitations (at present eg A2A Sim, Fenix, FBW
) there would be NO competition, no evolution, no improvements. The xbox people have just got their improved A320 solely for the reason that there is an FBW and Fenix version, the other aircraft have gotten their avionic updates because there are many very good addons available outside the reach of the marketplace and/or xbox. If everything was the same this would without a doubt be a pretty flying game but there would be not much attention to detail. Not when the publisher is Microsoft
 just look what it took for them to spend ressources on Edge. Their market share on browsers was down to near zero with IE.

Navigraph basically has a quasi monopoly on chart and navdata supply and the price is astronomical. With probably hundreds of thousands of users it costs what? 90$ p.a.? Sure, their supply is good but NacdataPro from Aerosoft would be good, too. Lido charts, lido viewer
 Unfortunately they seem to have a totally clueless leadership, no motivation. If they were to provide their product actively and as aggressively as Navigraph this subscription would be half as expensive. Now imagine it was ONLY MS‘ supplier and NO 3rd party at all
 :man_shrugging:t2: FSX navdata for the next 20 years. But hey, look how good it looks with Bing down there.

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Here is what I see as the cause of the issue

Navigraph NOT Loaded

When MSFS makes a FP in the World Map, and one enters a USER Waypoint, it looks as if then that FP is saved, the UserWaypoint “Fake” ICAO code is not saved with that user Waypoint.

So when it is loaded back in again, there is an issue, when navigarph is installed, causing the WP to appear at the North Pole.

If that saved FP with user waypoints is imported into LNM, and then exported, LNM put in the dummy ICAO codes for the User Waypoints, and the Plan Loads correctly.

So the issue appears to be WORLD MAP saving FP with user waypoints, and not saving the Dummy ICAO codes for those User Waypoints.

Note: SDK indictes that the ICAO codes are OPTIONAL with User waypoints, but that is clearly not the case.


So a TEMPORARY work around, for FPs with user waypoinst, generated and save in World map, is to FIX those FP files, by importing and then exporting them through LNM


Left is te saved World Map FP, with a tag but no tag, and on the right is that FP, passed though LNM, that has FIXED it, by removing the unused tag, and adding the tag

So it looks like the World map save FP, is at fault. - and has an undesirable issue when navigraph is loaded as the Nav database.

NOTE: Worlds map still does not show those User waypoints with any sort of name or Icon, when viewed in the World Map (for a loaded FP)

Won’t even get into the odd, seemingly random ALTITUDES assigned to waypoints !!

N6722C Changing Frequency ‘’ Good Bye"

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If it was, there wouldn’t be so many opposing views on what was said. Especially the part about requiring Navigraph, as if there was some announcement I and others missed.

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Hello @N6722C,

Can you please provide step-by-step instructions on what you are doing, the expected result, and the actual result? I’m able to create, save, and load IFR and VFR flight plans from the World Map without seeing the issue you are describing (custom waypoints that incorrectly go to the North Pole). I don’t use any external tools like Navigraph, LittleNavMap, Simbrief, etc. for creating .pln files.


The North Pole issue ONLY occurs when Navigarph is used, and a FP that was created in the World map, is re-loaded back into the World map.

That aside, there is still the difference between a FP saved from the World map, and then reloaded back into the World map, and then saved again with a different name.

The difference are only obvious when looking at the actual .pln files.

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