World map runway strip black overlay, why?


Wasn’t sure where to post this, on world map why are the runways covered with the black overlay strip, it doesn’t make any sense, why not use the real world image data to show the actual runway, I mean the data is already there, but Asobo have covered it with black overlay.

Perhaps on PC there is a mod to remove it, im xbox so don’t think there is.

Surely it’s more helpful to see the actual runway image than a black strip, is there a reason this is done?

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Pretty sure to make it easier to identify the airport starting spots.

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Perhaps, but they could just make the starting dots more pronounced, there quite easy to spot currently to be honest.

They should keep what they’ve got, but make it smaller so it just covers the runway and not half the airport.

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Nah I disagree, I would like to see the runway image personally, without having to look up stuff you can immediately see type of runway it is, runway numbers, e.g

Easy answer: because not always the runway is that visible. Rural airstrips could just use a grass field with markers as an actual runway, water runways might not even have designated indicators and on other airports there might have been a cloud in place of the threshold. Other runways even might have a displaced threshold which is not easily visible from above.

They in general made it this way to avoid touching each section of the world to check if the runway actually is visible and imho that’s just fine for the purpose the map serves.


Good points. I still think they could do something better than what’s in place currently though, like an outline of the runway instead with real image date showing runway.

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As I’m not sitting on my gaming rig right now, did you already check the available filter options btw.? There are settings to switch off specific runway types it seems:



Interesting will take a look. Thanks

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That solution with the filters half works, it removes everything, but if you know the airports, by searching for them it then displays all the starting spots again for that specific airport searched for.


The map globe uses a low-res texture for fast loading and rendering. No way that’s discernible enough to plan your flight.
Using the high-res textures from the sim itself would tank fps and make quick scrolling around the globe impossible.

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Sometimes i can’t select runway on the worldmap (in the planner i can) sometimes it’s black sometimes its just drone image. Why is that?

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