World Tour (at least I´ll try) Starting in Patagonia. Everybody is invited!

Hi everyone! I´m just starting a world tour trip using small planes (I mean, no airliners) and going from point to point, crossing countries without skipping stops. I´ve just made the first leg as a try and it was from SCGZ, the southernmost civil airport to SAWH. The idea is to fly with more people joining in in every leg, sure it´ll be fun. So if any of you want to be part of this (I´ll make videos of every flight) just let me know. This is the best moment and the best simulator to do this.

Today the plan goes from Ushuaia (SAWH) to Punta Arenas (SCCI), struggling with the strong winds in the Beagle Channel at the departure (and a low icing point) and crossing the Strait of Magellan before arriving in Punta Arenas. Prepare to enjoy big mountains, big waves, glaciars and fauna (maybe).

Flight Plan: 2. VFR Malvinas Argentinas (SAWH) to Carlos Ibanez Del Campo Intl (SCCI).pln - Google Drive
Plane: Xcub or similar
Weather: Real Weather
Time: Daylight

Se habla Español, English Spoken, Man Spricht Deutsch. :slight_smile:

Follow the adventure:

Gamer Tag: TheCrossWind
Discord: Discord


Right now weather is very calm, 2 or 3 knots.

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Just arrived to SCCI - Punta Arenas
Very calm (too much) but windy in ther surface (9-10 kt). First stop almost crashed XD, but it was ok.

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A short trip from SAWC to Glaciar Perito Moreno. Great views.

Oh wow. Nice looking place.

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These pics resume today´s trip. First half clear but windy, second half…blind and all bugs appeared at once (no fuel, AP suddenly working weird, etc)

From Puerto Natales to El Calafate.

Today, from El Calafate to Villa O´higgins

Villa O´higgins to Balmaceda

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Che, terminaste el Tour? Yo recien me conecto!
Me parece genial la idea de aviones pequeños, si arrancan otro me prendo!

Hola! La verdad, lo tengo bastante abandonado, pero si te animas, podemos continuar la ruta de a poco.

Estaría bueno juntarnos con algun otro grupo y coordinar una vuelta al mundo, no?
Conocés a alguien mas que quiera sumarse?

Como ves, ya poco aparezco por acá. Pero avísame porque sigo volando, a ver si comenzamos la ruta de nuevo.

Hola de nuevo Crosswind!
Me parece que deberíamos empezar el tour. Es mucho mas divertido volar en grupo que solo.
Por qué no nos organizamos, generamos una ruta (o si vos tenés una mejor) y vamos haciendo vuelos semanales o tan pronto como nos sea posible. Que decís? Tenés discord?

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Me parece excelente. Si tengo discord, te lo doy apenas llegue a casa esta tarde. Creo que comenzar de cero me parece bien. Ahí lo vemos. Saludos!

Genial, Saludos!