World Update 12


Our production team has just confirmed that WU12 will be released today at approximately 3pm PT (2300Z), roughly four hours from the time of this post.



3pm PT is 9am in NZ, so we have a little more than an hour to go. Won’t stop us refreshing, though, just in case “approximately” means “could be earlier”.

ooo jeeze mate that might be a little to early for that joke :rofl: kinda funny for my sense of humor, not so much for a few of my mates in the Hawks Bay that wont be playing MSFS anytime soon let alone sleep in their own home…

Well that will be basically the entire UK and definitely Europe signing off for the anticipated release… Good night our lucky friends on the other side of the pond and back home in NZ… Enjoy and don’t give too much away :rofl:


Not like you got a “Local” Legend plane that has anything to do with NZ either :wink:

2300z 1200nzdt


Will there be 25,000,000 AI sheep in this update ??? :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


Thanks for the heads up.
Do you already have a time for the DHC-4 Caribou as well?

hopefully the tree shrinking mod still works enjoy this while you wait Air New Zealand AD - Bing video

Nice, just in time for bed😁. Western Europe.

My computer melted just thinking about that.

For the next time do not say the day because they are missing the truth since the world has different time zones

How will this update affect the NZ mesh from Orbx?

Please search this very thread. It has been answered by orbx themselves.

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Reading through this thread, coming to realize that I’m the guy at the bottom right…so I had to make this meme.


Thanks for the updated launch time. It will save a lot of needless hours hanging around the PC waiting for it to drop.

Also, it’s good to see that the team will deliver on their target date of 23rd. Well done to them :slightly_smiling_face:


Exactly. What I don’t get is that they always seem to wait till people are fighting and bickering and then release some sort of statement.

Wouldnt it be so much easier if this was announced EARLIER?? I really just don’t get it. :person_shrugging:


Well, yes, I can’t deny that you do have a point here :slightly_smiling_face:

Hopefully though when it does drop it has been thoroughly tested and most people will be pleased with it. Not sure I have enough pop corn on hand for a few hundred posts complaining of stuttering, fps issues or the like :slightly_smiling_face:

Can’t be too ‘Shaun’ about that at all! :smile: :sheep: :sheep: :sheep:
