World update 3: UK

The reason the UK was chosen was given quite clearly in the Q&A session. Asobo are always on the lookout for good data to base their scenery on. They happened to obtain top quality data for the entire UK mainland, so the choice was obvious. The alternative was to use inferior data elsewhere, and so generate inferior scenery.


I thought it was funny, refering to the UK as a third world country about to be updated. Nice play on words but us Brits do get a bit pompous at times :wink:

Personally, I would have prefered to see bitf of Africa or Indonesia but I guess MasoboS are picking low hanging fruit data wise :wink:

Blue Skies :wink:

If i’m being honest i don’t think referring to us as 3rd world ever crossed his mind just got interpreted like that :).

Yup, I’d read it as i suspect it was intended, with “the Third World” referring to the “Update” and not to the UK.

It was just an unfortunate coincidence that this will be the third time that the devs have applied a world update. Although I guess we ought to be thankful that it won’t be the 4th or even 5th world update. :slight_smile:

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What could be the next update after the UK? Scandinavia maybe?

Australia, I hope.


I’ve been away from my PC all week. Has this update landed yet?

please Switzerland World update :joy: :rofl:

greetings from Skiiing


If you have recently seen light aircraft flying grid patterns over your area/country, IRL of course, then that is likely to be a good candidate for the next world update.

MSFS is most likely to follow where Bing has updated its aerial imagery. There’s not much point in doing a World Update on an area which has older imagery and which might be getting updated in the not too distant future.

Don’t stop there. Do the whole Alps region inc Austria, N. Italy, France and Bavaria.


Is there a particular reason for having named all countries around Switzerland - except Switzerland itself? Switzerland as in “cows, milk, Heidi and fokkin’ mountains”?

We want Switzerland! And if that happens I promise to repeat my “Tell Tours - Switzerland” again :slight_smile:

Greetings from Switzerland :shushing_face:


No, the update is scheduled for 26th Jan.

Cheers mate. I’ve been away from home all week. A bit out of the loop.

No. Switzerland is a must. I love Alpen. I actually meant in addition to Switz. More pointy bits, the better :slight_smile:


With regards to my “Tell Tours - Switzerland” (which I concluded yesterday): I am now actually looking forward to join and hoping for more such “fly & tell” tours. I now want to explore the world :slight_smile:

So yes, I am also very much looking forward to the UK update, as I was working (as an intern / student) for British Telecom in Ipswich for a couple of month :slight_smile: Still got fond memories of the UK (and Scotland!)

Ha Ha. Scotland, at present, is in the UK! Beautiful country, love it.


'‘Third country’ would have been a clearer statement, because all countries are in the world so there was no need to add that.


I wonder if the Faroe Islands, Shetland Islands and Orkneys will also be updated.

Shetland/Orkneys should be. Faroe is Norway?

Did you study Geography at all? Clearly not!