Anyone have any good recommendations for third-party or freeware that WU4 doesn’t cover? Looking to get as much quality as possible to complete the region!
For France ?
Paris from Orbx is a good complement with some landmark which aren’t covered (Mont Valerien, Seine Musicale, Tour Horizon…) and better light for night. And it’s actualy in promotion (and update should arrive soon as for London).
Don’t know for Paris from Prealsoft. From screenshot I have see, a little below Orbx.
France obstacles & VFR landmarks is very nice upgrade. But already have some problem due to actual limitation of SDK (duplicate and superposition). And with WU4 there will be a little more (due to new elevation). It’s not the cheaper, I would recommend to wait a little for an upgrade (at least WU4 compatibility) before buy it.
For freeware, at Flightsim you have many french cities in photogrammetry (in particular of Thalixte who did great job)
After World Update IV, the orbx-landmarks-paris-city-pack improves the visual. However, this decoration overlaps with that of the update, such as the Defense Arch and the Obelisk of the concord, and perhaps others.
An update would be wished from the editor.
This one:
But im not sure if there will be overlappings with WU4.