World Update North Africa

As the title states, let’s give Africa some love. We had several European world updates now, Asian too but Africa is still left untouched, unfortunately.

I know it’s the largest continent but maybe a start from North Africa down to the south over time?
North Africa is home to several interesting biomes and (air)ports.

Maybe a first version could span from Morocco to Egypt covering Algeria, Tunisia and Lybia as well.

Large parts of North Africa and Sahara have extremely good imagery already, which lies in the nature of aerial photography. No clouds or fog means optimal conditions for photography.

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Such a great idea! VOTED!!!


I love flying over the deserts as they look stunning from the air, the whole region could do with some love and it really is rewarding to fly over.

I think its going to be hard to get countries that are not in NATO. It will be a long time until we get Africa, South America and Middle eastern countries.

If you like to fly low (below 500ft AGL) for pure enjoyment you should try my freeware scenery that improves terrain mesh. ETM stands for Enhanced Terrain Mesh… and after flying you can share your impressions here… I would be very happy.


Could not agree more.

I agree. Update Africa in 3 parts:

North Africa
Central Africa
Southern Africa