World Update VI - Germany, Switzerland and Austria

No, I don’t think so at all. 3rd party developers know that MS/A are issuing World Updates. Anything 3rd party developers make is done at their own risk and may be superseded by the contents of an Update. What purchasers are paying for is to have it now. Or, people can wait and something similar may pop up in an Update.


Apprecaite your reply and sharing your thoughts. I hope fora better mesh in the next world update. Thanks

I too am looking forward to exploring Switzerland, Under the circumstances my travels are taking me elsewhere until this matter resolves itself one way or another.

Why? That mesh data is freely available from the Swiss government (since March 2021), so making a business case of selling free data is only going to work for as long as no one else is providing that same free data - for free. “It was good while it lasted.”


Perhaps try this mesh for Switzerland. It’s free: CGL DEM Switzerland » Microsoft Flight Simulator

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yes this mesh addon is amazing!!!

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Does somebody have an overview of the airports and photogrammetry cities that have been confirmed for WU6 as of today?
In terms of airports, I have read about Stuttgart, Klagenfurt, St. Gallen and Lubeck; in terms of cities I read some media reports that it will be at least Graz, Wien, Basel, Frankfurt and Wuppertal but that did not seem to be a comprehensive list and I also don’t know what their source was. Has there been any sort of statement from Microsoft or Asobo about this?

Jürg talked about it here:

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I am quite confident this is due to the fact that Graz will be a photogrammetry city and Schlossberg, Uhrturm und Kunsthaus are within the city and therefore within the region of photogrammetry and don"t need its own 3D model.

I don’t know about anyone else but the graphics in the trailer appear to have veered away from gritty realism and more towards antiseptic cartoons. For me personally I don’t care as I am more concerned with actual flight characteristics, avionics and the general stability of the product. I appreciate being able to recognise where I am from the air more so than any other flight sim out there however I think an argument could be made that it’s not really “photorealistic”.


Fingers crossed - Rügen was improved. The default Rügen looked nothing but miserable.

Also as I got they did not add the scenic pedestrian bridge next to the Neuschwanstein Castle? What about Hohenschwangau?

Fernsehturm Tower in Berlin also appears to be missing (The photogrammetry version have antenna cut off)

But I am looking for the Update regardless. Don’t get me wrong there seems to be lot’s of good stuff. :wink:

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All of these Europe updates reminds me of Combat flight simulator. Came out in the 90s and was a fun little sim. If you liked dog fighting in Europe during WW2 this was the sim for you. If they made a sim with this kind of scenery and game packed, I would think it would be a big hit on Xbox. If they only had the map data from 1940…

Video editors (that includes me ;)) are sometimes “tempted” to “colour-grade” their footage, or otherwise make some colours “pop out”. Fair game in advertisement :wink:

I am not saying that this is the case here, but I do remember that also previous “promition videos” always had a bit of “water bluer than blue” (than in the actual simulator update that followed).

Didn’t they mention the Fraumünster (church) in Zurich becoming a hand-modelled POI as well in this world update? Zurich is a photogrammetric city since day one, so that doesn’t necessarily exclude hand-made models to be added.

You are right, photogrammetry does not exclude hand made POIs, but I think, since they have for sure a budget on POIs per world update, it is reasonable to spend the majority of hand made POIs in a non photogrammetric region.

Frankfurt is also improved… hell yeah.

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No view on Frankfurt… lol

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I remember having heard that as well. I also remember a screenshot of a hand-modelled National Museum.

Interesting GamesCom video, I had not seen it before. Cannot tell if Munich has updated photogrammetry, one are that has changed a lot during the last years (Paulaner-Gelände) was just about to come into view when the video cut. But I am quite sure that Olympiaturm and Olympiastadion have been replaced by hand-crafted models instead of photogrammetry.

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