World Update X hung after Windows crash

I started an installation of World Update X (USA). During the installation (which took eons, due to the strangely slow D/L speeds these days) Windows suffered a “Kernel Power Error” and rebooted. Sine then the installation has been stuck “decomppressing” and I can’t seem to be able to cancel and start over. I also cannot close the sim in an orderly fashion. The normal way leaves the UI hanging so I have to kill the sim from the task manager.

Is there a way to do that? At current, I cannot install anything since this update is blocking the install queue.

The suggested way is to shut down the sim and delete the folder the sim is stuck on.
When you restart the sim, it will redownload that folder and continue onwards.

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Yes, I eventually figured out where the stuck files resided (C:\Users(user)\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_bla bla\LocalCache\Packages\Official\OneStore) and simply un-RAR-ed them (and removed the RAR files). That seemed to unstuck it.

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