World Updates - please use numbers not Roman numerals (or sort Content Manager by Release Date)

Copywriite dates at the ends of movies?

Ok, back on topic, yes maybe updates should utilize numbering using Arabic numerals in a manner of “update 2023-2” as an example. IMHO

The AIRAC cycle format (navdata updates, roughly every month) uses 2312 = 2023 December. This is already in use in Aviation, easy to understand, fixed number of digits, and sorts properly in a list like the marketplace. Seems like a perfect system.


What happens in 78 years then? And in 178 years from now?

I’ve been here too long… I read that as “complaint posts” :angel:


I believe by Year 2100 flight, what we know as software, and devices will change sufficiently that this naming convention won’t matter. (quoting everyone who dismissed Y2K in 1993)

The aqueducts?


and the sanitation


… and Sanitation.

Ok I’ll grant you the sanitation, but apart from Aquaducts and Sanitation, what have the Roman’s done for us?

… the roads?

(for anyone born after 1990, this is all Monty Python)


Romanes eunt domus


I’m quite fine with the Roman numerals, I think they’re a fun little thing.


I agree. Keep it simple.

I agree, the roman numerals are overused now.

Maybe the NFL would take heed. NOT lol this topic really hit my funny bone.

Volunteers i believe, but still. Anyway it’s a modern classic and was always going to be revived in this thread at some point. Just a matter of time

Quantum saepe cogitas de imperio Romano? :sweat_smile:

From now on, I want to be known as Loretta.

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The Roman Low??

If anyone with the first name Biggus checks in on this thread, I’m done!


Did you mean thwead?


My real motivation for this wishlist item comes from installing the sim - or re-installing.

I try to install all of the content in the order that it was released. For example, I don’t want to install The older WU 2 USA over WU 10 USA, in case the older one replaces newer files.

So now with WU, CU, etc, all with roman numerals, it’s pretty hard to know what the release order was unless you keep a record manually.

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If I strap myself in the seat of a (DCS F16) I call tower with ‘Nec timide, Nec tumide’
( Without fear and without overconfidence) ready for taxi.
It was the slogan of 315 sqd of the royal dutch airforce based at EHTW untill 2004.
In the beginning I crashed a lot during basic take-offs and/or landings or was downed in dogfights or due to SAMs etc but since it is a simulator I progressed overtime.

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