Dear Joerg, dear Sebastian, first of all thank you very much for creating this super nice Flightsimulator! World update 3 was certainly a gigantic creation and I can imagine how much work you had bringing it alive, but PLEASE could you prioritize sim updates as well? It would be really mandatory to concentrate on issues like 1.) performance, 2.) make flight dynamics as real as possible, I am talking about aircraft behaviors in conditions such as stalls, wake turbulence, icing, etc. in fact for ALL aircraft types within the sim 3.) develop at least ONE own study level airplane, 4.) further develop a better ATC, 5.) work on a better AI traffic; create at least more AI airplanes 6.) bring real world LIVERIES, at least those who agreed/allowed you to use their liveries etc. I don’t think that you lack customers or income in order to invest time and resources to make things right. However after last world update, simulator-important-components suffered, such as flight dynamics/flaps issues, glowing aircraft/objects in the clouds, airport lights issues etc. I know, there are so many valid wishes from the community and of course your own strategic priorities, but please get back to the roots of a Flightsimulator, implement a stable platform considering above mentioned points, those should be your priorities. I mean at the end of the day this a Flightsimulator and not Google Earth! Community PLEASE support my case or comment
What he said ^
Thinking you meant “World Update 3” per the distinction in your title.
“Sim Update 3” has not been released yet.
Thank you @JimSim831, my mistake; just corrected to World Update 3. Greetings
Sorry my mistake. I have corrected my text…
Confuses me as well. I’ve been so looking forward to the 10/100/1000 rotary selector bug getting fixed… only to be told it’s in Sim Update 3, not World Update 3. Still waiting.
I fully agree.
Let’s remember how ofter we were told that MS wants to focus on the core sim and leave space for 3rd party and community content.
Yet still, world updates get same - if not even higher - priority than fundamental basics .
And now even a most basic fundamental issue occured with the lift of flaps, crucial for almost all aircrafts to perform a landing and while having found a “simple” workaround, they decide to not distribute it to all of us by a small hotfix but instead ask us to fiddle around with files if we want to have a more realistic experience.
Completely neglecting, that those customers who even invested more money in the premium deluxe version are completely left behind as those “premium deluxe” aircraft - which I naively expected to be even better modeled than the regular ones - are encrypted.
Another example is the CG of the DV20 being completely off, making it impossible to fly anywhere close to the real thing. A bug known akd reported for month.
You’d expect the fix is as simple as the flaps-lift workaround: changing a number in the .cfg
But again, this aircraft is encrypted and therefore the community cannot step in with a mod to fix it.
I really enjoy details in scenery, can’t wait to see a HQ rendition of the alps for example.
But what is the best visuals good for, when fundamental elements of flying are incomplete, broken or simply wrong and in some cases not been fixed for months.
To be fair, after this last episode I fail to see any meaningful distinction between the two kinds of updates. I realise this was a mistake, of course.
Perhaps my own personal slant on the “world vs. sim” is too rigidly defined. Perhaps balance can be maintained by having some graphical fixes in the sim update.
It would be lovely to be rid of the Dire Straits music video effect halos.
Absolutly!! Thinking the same.
Focus should be on the simulator with all of his groundfeatures.
Totally agree. Unless, of course, Asobo/MS intentions are to develop a product for the masses, planes easy to fly around while sightseeing the neighbor’s garden last improvements; a product usable for every one without too much of a fuss over totally mundane things like flaps settings, stall speeds, bank angles etc
isn’t it against forum rules to call out specific people on the dev team? Go submit a report on zendesk if you want a response
Well they have been breaking the sim in almost every update. I think what should be priority number 1 for them is, implement a the beta test branch. It is getting tiring breaking things with no hotfix or what so ever, break something, deal with it until next update mentality. I think really they need to rethink their whole release process with the QA process, it is faulty, buggy and complex.
Even their online services releases is broken, with no fallback or rollback process. Very big shame from a company like Microsoft (I am referring to the Bing CTD drama)
All I know is that both types of updates break things. I don’t look forward to updates anymore. I look forward to the update to fix what breaks in the updates.
Different teams work on different updates. They are working on sim updates ALL THE TIME and these are release with content updates as well.
The content updates are done by Gaya, Bing and Orbx with a little integration by Asobo so I’m not sure where the prioritization conflicts exist?
the conflict exists from funding.
content creators dont work for free. So hiring Gaya, ORBX and Co. for creating scenery costs money every time.
By reducing the speed of world updates this would freee up some budget to hire more developers to work on the sim updates.
so instead oh having 1 World update per Sim Update, I’d prefer to see 2 SIM Updates per World Update till the Core SIM is working and without bugs on major functions.
@Wined2310 Thank you for your reply! Fully agree with you and we have to some how reach out to MS & ASOBO…you know, let’s look at planes: they were working on the sim since 5 years, they should have made at least one plane, only one - let’s say - more perfect. I mean it was and is in their hands to make it right from the beginning, right? In an interview, Sebastian tried to somehow explain that they are always trying to make planes better, but Joerg stepped in, telling that actually they want to concentrate in making the platform and 3rd parties, who have more knowledge should step in making those study level/better airplanes. I am a real FANBOY of AS-MSFS, Joerg, Sebastian etc. BUT I did not like that statement too much. I was like, hey, you are making a Flightsimulator and planes are for you like less important? OK, now they are supporting Flybywire, Salty, Working Title etc., which is positive, but still I wished they could more concentrate on the sim aspect. For example every time, IU see that mutated AI aircraft looking like a mix of Airbus and Tornado I get so annoyed plus the non existing liveries, which were promised…However AS-MSFS is still phenomenal, I feel that maybe some priorities are wrong. Please, let us together reach out to them. Greetings and thanks again for your reply!
Hello @hobanagerik, agree with you; I needed a topic and was a little bit annoyed with those issues, and told myself we need a maybe controversial topic, which could attract the attention of people. You remember how people gathered to ask for removal of that “Press any button to play”, which for me was so unimportant, but the power of the masses made them remove it. Now I wished that we could somehow reach out to MS-AS and ask for a balance as you said as the least compromise. Greetings
Hi @TrickedList137, yes exactly, but they said many times that they want to make a simulator. No problem, make it for the masses, but give us at least a minimum features of a simulator. One great plane, maybe two: one jet, one prop, liveries, and continuous testing and development, plus implementation of proper flight dynamics. It was obvious that this time some aspect of the sim had to suffer. Obviously the last world update 3 was more difficult for them than expected and the sim aspect just came short with those issues existing now. Also I find that their reaction time to correct issues takes too long, but that’s maybe to the nature of their huge operation. Thank you for your reply!
Hello @Portalearth420, yes you are right and of course, since I really like this AS-MSFS, I take the extra time and report to Zendesk, like I did with many issues, one of them for example the airport issue at LOWI and the floating lights, which are not solved until today. They only react, if a larger group of people reach out to them, like that time the request to remove the “Press the button to start the game”…however, thank you for your feedback.
Hey mate, greetings! @marsmak, you are absolutely RIGHT and I think that talented people like you, who have of course more detailed knowledge about programming besides flying and aviation and having good knowledge regarding flight simulators should help, assist in reaching out to MS-AS. As you correctly said recently - and I am repeating it - Quote Omarsmak “we need to reach out to them in the next Q&A” UNQUOTE. We need to ask them to rethink some priorities…Do you remember how the force of the masses made them remove the “Press the button to start the game”, for there are much more important issues, which would need MS-AS attention and we need to gather those masses. Greetings O.