hey guys, i wanna know if it worths upgrade from a RTX 3070 to a 3080ti or even a 3090 ?
If, with the settings you like in a scenario in which you normally fly, MSFS Developer Mode FPS view shows you are GPU limited by a reasonable margin (ie. 30%+ longer frametimes than mainthread) then yes it should be worth it.
eg. in the screenshot below, GPU frametime is 38% longer than mainthread, so a GPU upgrade would be warranted in this case. The greater the frametime gap, the more beneficial a higher end GPU model upgrade will be.
Yes, and that will be my next move: from RTX3070 to RTX3080TI.
It will be positive on monitor play, and also on VR. Coupled with my i7 10700K it will be perfect
Yes. A 3080 TI is more like a 3090 than a 3080. I would get either. They will both perform very good. The 3090 has more VRAM, but the performance on both is about the same.
and with my i7 - 9700k would be good the 3080ti ?
You will be fine with the 3080 Ti, that is what I have with an I9-11900. I only have a 1440 60hz monitor and am fine with that setup. The I7-9700k may struggle a bit at 4K 120Hz and Ultra settings, but the card will certainly keep up.
And you can tone down your setting a bit. My monitor is also only 32 inches, so 1440 on that size monitor in fine. You certainly will have no problems at 1080p.
I will skip the 4000 series and keep my 3080 Ti and will most likely wait for the 5000 and by then I plan to have at least a 42 inch 4K 120 Hz monitor where I can really use the more powerful card.
But with the monitors I have, not worth upgrading. I have a one 32 and two 27 inch monitors all 60Hz.
thank you for your answer man, indeed 4000 series have many fps, but we also dont need that amount of fps, wont be visible … i will upgrade my rtx 3070 to a 3080ti
The values you’re looking at here, is the 30.60 ms (just below the FPS counter) for GPU frametimes and the 20.9 mz for MainThread (CPU), right?
Correct for mainthread but the GPU frametime is on the GPU line, which reads 28.9ms in the screen shot. The 30.9ms reading is the overall frametime, which includes the overhead of combining all separate frametimes below it.
Thank you.
So in my case, with RTX 3070 and Ryzen 5600X, I have MainTread at around 16-20ms and GPU at 10-12ms.
And it does say “Limited by Mainthread”, blinks between red and orange all the time.
So a CPU upgrade would be useful here?
Absolutely. In your case I’d strongly consider the 5800X3D, which is the current king of CPUs for MSFS, is very cost effective and should be compatible with your motherboard (check first!).
Oh. It’s only a month ago since I upgraded from 3600 to 5600X.
I’m not sure but I think the reason I went with 5600X instead of 5800X3D was because the 3D didn’t really give much more fps on 4k screens so figured it wasn’t worth the extra cost. But maybe it’s single core performance is much better, and useful for MSFS. (Correction: Did some re-research, tons of people reports improvements in fps and frametimes with 5800X3D).
Edit: Screw it. Ordered 5800X3D now. Never gonna pilot IRL anyway, might as well spend money doing it virtually then…
Just a short update about my 5800X3D upgrade.
I kinda had instant regret about spending that kind of money on a CPU… but now that I’ve tried it, wow!
I only bothered to do a 2 before/after tests. Parked same place (custom scenery), same time of day, same weather etc. I’m using ultrawide 3840x1080 so lots of pixels to fill, with TAA. Only difference was “terrain level of detail”, I tested between 100 and 200. With 5600X, I had 47fps and 40 fps. And CPU Mainthread around 22-23ms.
After putting in 5800X3D, and no other changes, I had 70 fps and 60 fps with 100 LOD and 200 LOD. Same settings, location, weather and time. CPU maintread lowered to 14ms.
Is the CPU worth it? I don’t know, but it certainly improves performance!
I’ve just done exactly that, 3070 to 3090. TBH i’m disappointed, not as big an improvement as I was hoping for but then again, mid 30’s FPS instead of mid 20’s in VR reverb G2. Worth double the cost…not realy.
im also thinking about the RTX3090 or 3080Ti. the price difference here is $400 CAD which is what i paid for my 2080S 2 years ago. i already upgraded my processor to 5600X and it gave me a good improvements and I can play on mostly high and some ultra settings on 4K monitor without problems at 30FPS with A32NX in LAX with FSLTL. idk if its worth the upgrade as people say this game is mostly CPU limited. my CPU usage is mostly around 30% in LAX with the first thread at ~80% usage, but FPS still shows CPU limited message. I have the most used cores overclocked to 4.8Ghz. GPU usage though is always fluctuating in DX11 and i cant figure out why, and with DX12 enabled GPU load is higher near 90% mark now. VRAM is almost always at 99%. I really want the 3080Ti to save some dough but i dont want to upgrade if the improvements are small and maybe save for the 4090 next year.
Guys can you help me decide it ? Im undecided if i want to upgrade to 3080ti or 3090, 3090 have 24gb vram, i think is more futureproof no ? and the prices here about 3080ti and 3090 is almost the sames…
I would wait. More releases coming soon, not a lot of gains unless you play VR or 4K. Maybe upgrade cpu instead for some extra fps and future proofing?
my cpu is a i7-9700k.
Here the RTX3080ti is 1319€ and RTX 3090 is 1369 .
I think i will skip 4000 series. I also have VR
If you have the money to spare, upgrade the cpu/mb/ram instead. Otherwise even a 4090 would feel a little underwhelming on MSFS. Maybe in a few months you can score a 3080ti or 3090 for sub $500 for some decent VR.
Read this guys experience with a cpu bottleneck: https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/625486-poor-performance-with-nvidia-4090/page/11/
I have 2 pcs, one with 5800x3d and 3080 and one with 5600x/3070ti. I only use the later for msfs at around 45fps ultra wide and I’m happy.
The 5800x3d is a beast of a cpu and with the 3080 it does VR well, but Msfs is very poorly optimized for that so I don’t even use it.