I tried an ILS approach to Las Vegas/KLAS RWY 01, in the TBM. I’m perfectly familiar with the aircraft and have performed numerous ILS approaches in it.
One odd thing is that in the World Map, if you zoom in to click on the NAVAID for that runway, shows a frequency of 110.30.but Little Navmap (my preferred flightplanning tool) shows 110.10 for the same runway!
In the TBM, only 110.30 shows up in the NAV radio with an identifier so that seems to be correct. (LNM wrong?)
However, I tried the approach with both frequencies and each time the localizer was not captured. The plane just kept heading straight.
CDI was on Loc1, AP and NAV were on, and the radio active frequency was correct. My altitude was definitely below a glideslope…
Both Frequencies did not allow the plane to capture the localizer or glideslope and I had to manually land.
Has anyone noticed a bug with this runway? I am using Flytampa KLAS…
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I am on MSFS2024, not on MSFS 2020 and I recently did an ILS on 26L, not 01 and in the C172, not the TBM, using the G1000, not the G3000. But other than the different sim, aircraft, type of GPS and runway, everything was exactly the same . And all worked flawlessly.
So, given all the differences, I really cannot comment on your situation. Only thing I noticed is that you were saying you had NAV selected on the AP, not APR? That seems odd with Loc1 being in the CDI. This is what I saw in the PFD of the 172 as I turned onto the FAF leg and before I selected APR:
I appreciate the responses but where did I say RWY26?? I said RWY 01 was the issue.
Also, I said I tried both 110.10 (LNM) and 110.30 (World Map) and neither showed any recognition by the GPS- no LOC course deviation indication, no reaction when hitting APR.
SlabsFly- Yes, that is what I showed up to my changing the CDI to LOC 1 in order to intercept the ILS. Should I have not manually switched it and allowed the GPS to change it and tune ILS automatically? Does that make a difference since, either way, it shows the correct frquency.
Did you try the RWY1 approach?
The WM shows 110.1 as the ILS for 01L (see screenshot). Remember you have to pick the navaid at the far end of the runway you want to land on. If you clicked on the navaid that “appears” to be at the near end of runway 01L, that’s actually the ILS for 26R, and shows 110.3.
I flew the whole 01L ILS approach in the 930 in MSFS 2020 and it worked fine. I made sure to click “APR” outside the IAP. The “LOC” and “GS” will show in white text in the scoreboard area to show they’re armed. The system will stay in “NAV” mode until it automatically detects the ILS signal and locks on the localizer first (normally) and change to green text and changes the CDI to LOC mode, and then it will be in full approach mode. As the GS indicator goes down, the system will automatically lock on the GS signal and show GS in green and start it’s descent. You do not need to manually put the system into “LOC” mode at any point.
Start of flight into KLAS. Note the approach to ILS 01L has been activated in the MFD, as shown by the fact that the system has tuned to the correct ILS freq and showing the identifier on the PFD.
In this shot, I had already put the system in “APR” mode. Note the “APR” light has gone out now that the LOC and GS lights have turned green and therefore the system to started to take all guidance from the ILS signals. It switched automatically into the CDI into LOC mode.
By the way… just a personal gripe now that I’ve learned more about NAV aids on the World Map. Who decided to put the ILS info Nav aid at the FAR END of the runway? Every Chart/map I’ve ever seen in any sim or 3rd party flightplan app has the ILS “feathers” before the runway. Why they abandoned the traditional feathers or at least the traditional placement is beyond me.
Well, my guess is because that is the actual location of the ILS antennae. As with the other nav aids in the sim, they are placed where they physically exist.