It appears that the SIM has an incorrect Nav frequency for the VOR at Gardner, MA, with ID of GDM
According to Skyvector, Simbrief, Little Navmap and Airnav, the frequency is 116.95. I have a Navigraph subscription, and have MSFS up to date with the latest AIRAC from Navigraph.
However, when I load a flightplan into the SIM by importing it at Worldmap, the VOR info shows 110.60 and that is what works to navigate a radial to that VOR. I’m not sure where the frequency is coming from (apparently not from the navigraph data in the SIM), but it doesn’t match any other source. I assume it was changed at some point but I’m not sure how to update it in MSFS if it’s not being taken from the navigraph data.
I fly GA in this area of the country in IRL and the frequency used to be 110.60. Sometime late 2023 (don’t remember which cycle), it changed to 116.95. Haven’t checked the sim recently, but I would not be surprised if it has not been updated yet.