WU4: Problems with some scenery elements in Normandy, France

3 issues in Normandy, France:

  1. Problems regarding the Bridge of Normandy at the Seine estuary:
    The bridge of Normandy is not placed correctly. The bridge shall be placed in the opposite direction because the bridge piles are not at the right place:
    The South pile shall be at the river edge
    The North pile shall be in the river.

  2. The bridge of Tancarville:
    This important and historic bridge is missing! The cars run in the Seine river to go to the opposite edge at this place.

  3. The bridge of Brotonne (5 more kms after Tancarville inside the country on the Seine river):
    The bridge is not correctly depicted. it has shrouds like in the bridge of Normandy (not so high however).

Please fix these problems. They are very visible for a french simmer.

Hello, I confirm what was said previously about the positioning error of the Normandy bridge.
The Tancarville Bridge is available on flightsim.to.
It lacks this of the Brotonne bridge, but also the Tancarville canal bridge in an arc that gives access to the Normandy bridge.
best regards.

No other reactions?

Any solution to make an exclude of this POI and install the right Normandy bridge from Ivanov 1.3 on flightsim.to?


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